Friday, April 29, 2005
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Friend 2 : 'well i went out with him on sat, sun and mon too"
Friend 1 : "awwww....."
Friend 2 : "yeah so i decided on tues that i like him"
Friend 1 :"awwww....."
Friend 2 :"yeah so he called me last night"
Friend 1 :"awww....."
Friend 2:"yeah and he said that it was probably best if we just stayed friends"
Friend 1:"awwww...(in sad tone) "
Friend 2: "yeah i think he's in love with the other girl"
Friend 1:"ohhh....welll...."
Friend 2:"yeah i think he's ready for marriage"
Friend 1:"yeah but you have the rest of your life in front of you"
Friend 2:"yeah lets go find another guy"
Friend 1:"sounds good. he doesn't deserve you."
and there you have it. an example of the everyday conversations of 1st yr com/is students in the middle of the ICT at uni. how exciting. how riveting.
oh and we also found out that on a scale of 1 to HUGE, garry's ass (yes the pink muscle one) is ranked at HUGE. like jurassic park make water rumble in the cup when the dinosaur is walking HUGE. that's pretty HUGE.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 - vomit
ok am in ICT. and guy next to me [that just sat down] SMELLS! real bad... really bad BO!! and to make things funnier... there is fobby girl sitting on him. ewww for her... poor thing must be copping a lot of stinka. i always thought it would be a public service if people walked around with soap and a hose and spray those ppl that smell. it'll be like YOU SMELL... MUST DE-BO YOU...SPRAY AWAY plus some SOAP. and you'll smell all good and soapy. yeah... the world would be a better place if everyone smelled good. everyone would be happy and perky and skip around. yeah.... wish i had hose and soap. i think i just found a contribution to WORLD PEACE! ok... am starting to sound beauty pagenty/hippy. i think i like hippy better.
anyways. must stop before i move on to how good looking bill clinton is.
the politics of friends
1. anne told me too
2. there's way too much red
3. i am bored
4. i got inspired
okay so i can't count. but onto it...
okay so everybody knows there's varying degrees to how you classify someone as a friend and therefore then there's the varying levels of friendship (are you "close" friends? are you "bestest buddies" in the whole wide world? are you just "aquaintences"? are you "enemies who just happen to act friendly to each other so that you may psych the other person out and scar them for life"?).
so what makes us stay "friends" with someone, when in the actual truth without what ever outstanding circumstance it may be that brings them together at social gatherings, they would on the other hand just be total strangers passing each other in the street?
what's behind all this?? well someone noted at anne's b'day that they saw how close and *ahem* we (anne, amy and i) really cared for each other which lead me to think that yeah i'm very appreciative that the three of us don't have any immature hangups on each other and know how to react to each other's moods and crazy behaviour rather than go off on a sook. i mean in all my friendships neither my friends or me run off in a sook, but its different b/w the two VM's and the "normal" amu. the truth can come out b/w us and that's cool with us cos we know we're not saying it to hurt them intentionally.
here's to you fat bum anne and closet tart amu, i know that we're still gonna be as we are now in 30 years. and the next 30 after that and if science is that far advance or we just pump ourselves with enough botox or something, the 30 after that as well.
here's to you both who may not listen to everything i say but at least know why i say it, at least you guys don't fish for sympathy or compliments or just tell me your problems so that you may have someone tell you what you want to hear. thank god for the gilmore girls and the programming executive at channel nine.
to all my other friends, this in no way says that i don't appreciate you guys just the way you are. cos i do. i appreciate you guys in all your own little weird and wonderful ways. i was just thinking and i know how dangerous that can be.
i think i'll end it here before i start crying. *sob sob*
p.s is this enough green fat bum with the no panty line cos she wore a wonder woman g-string??
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
ode to my guy friends
- drive me home when i'm completely smashed
- buy me alcoholic drinks
- give me lots of helpful and unhelpful advice on everything
- buy me completely inappropriate lingerie
- punch me on the arm...and say 'ow' when i punch them back
- offer to beat up the bastard guys that i happen to meet
- take every opportunity to make me eat meat
- attempt to find out what bra size i am
- ask me advice on their outfits
- and last but not least...make sure they can humiliate me in any way possible
so thanks guys! i think this is an after effect of too much alcohol. i'm not usually this nice to guys...especialy guy friends at that.
olga's thought for the day: alcohol slows your reflexes
Monday, April 25, 2005
deny everything
post party reflections went something like this....*blank*. yes it is true...i can only remember half the things that happened that night. although from what i do recall i did have an awesome time...even though i ended up lying on my kitchen floor when i got home. hopefully everyone that was there that night had a good time too...and that they don't remember too much about it either. muahahahahaha. thanks to my LOVELY *sarcasm* friends who made speeches and power point presentations and exposed my bra size to everyone that was there. but seriously...whoever was there who helped out and who made sure i got home ok (ie. PHIL!!)...where would i be without you all? probably lying in the gutter still in all my party gear. i will post up more should it suddenly reappear in my memory.
olga's thought of the day: when ordering party food...ensure that one gets to sample at least one bit of it.
Friday, April 22, 2005
grandma funks
what is the etiquette of a bringing a plus one? when being invited to parties and things...if one has a significant other...does one assume that they may bring them along? i've always wondered. i've had many invites say "anne & friend"...not that i've really utilised these since of course i am still single. i mean i've been jeannie's plus one to a few that weird? i guess it is. not only because she is dragging me to something...she's dragging me to something as a plus one.
on the flip side, what does it mean when you get invited as a guy friend's plus one...or vice versa. i'm sure it must hold SOME implications of something going on. i mean i'd quite happily accompany a guy friend to a party...but that's cos they think i'm a guy in a chick's body. and it very very very rarely happens.
so my question of the week is...getting asked to be a plus one by friend of opposite sex...friendly night out or date?
olga's thought of the day: i love fridays
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
oh glorious ones!
there are times when you are stuck for words
only to find that there are those who have spoken for you before
there are times when you felt *different* and alone in the world
only to find that there are others like you
oh glorious ones! listen to these people
cos they made me laugh like a slapstick starfish.
a word from the witty people who made me laugh like a slapstick starfish :
"when you're in a funk, people in love are a royal pain in the patookus." - Portnoy
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
the wisdom of garry...
- CMG also has a tatt
- CMG has fetish for superhero - superman
- CMG has superman car seats
- CMG has a superman lunnchbox
and the one that takes the cake...garry's validated this fact too cos he's seen them...
- CMG has superman underwear (g string?!?!?!)
Monday, April 18, 2005
you're angry, i'm angry, let's all be angry!
my family was banging around the house between the ungodly (sorry god) hours of 5:30am-6:00am and i ANGRILY woke up from my HAPPY sleep. then i HAPPILY board my train which arrived on time to only have an elderly mass of asian, non-english speaking women come into my carriage and then have one of these ladies sit on me. NOT HAPPY. RATHER ANGRY. THINK BROKE FEMUR.
then i got into work. work is a HAPPY place for me. cos i can bludge. then lunch came around. ohh even HAPPIER. went to zing lunch. started eating lunch. found out that my mummy cooked lunch for me in a vat of oil. ANGRY LUNCH.
then had to think of something creative to keep you readers entertained. can't think. creative juices squeezed out of me. ANGRY. went 'next bloggin' found hilarious site about angry ninjas who like food. i think i like them. yes. i do. so HAPPY.
then read their posts in blog. got confused. and scared. very very scared.
want to know what else is scary? hearing anne and CMG have fetishes for superheros and them making sweet super-super human babies.
so there you have it. i was happy, then angry, then happy, then angry, then in pain from broken femur, then happy, then happier, then angry, then happy, then scared. now i am angry cos lunch was crap.
i think i'll go back to those angry, food-loving, bikie, fantasying about each other mum's ninjas. i think they're just as weird as us. possibly even weirder. and guys/gals if you ever visit us, that's a compliment. please don't come attack us.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
fish hook
so what did i do on this momentous weekend? i dragged my fellow VM to this place.
*pauses a few seconds to let you go to the site and come back again to my blog post*
if by some freak of nature you couldn't get into the site...the place is not a man brothel or anything like that. it's ahem...a tattoo parlour. so yes, i have turned 21 and to commemorate it AND my fantastic trip in NZ AND to win a stupid bet...i got myself a tattoo on my back. and don't get me wrong, not all the responses from people have been positive. let me demonstrate with some comments...i'll add the good, the bad, and the downright funny. they're kinda paraphrased but you get the general gist.
- male friend # 1: "i prefer girls without tattoos" (er last time i checked, we weren't dating)
- male friend # 2: "COOL, now you can use it as a guy magnet!"
- work friend #1: "you are BAD"
- jeannie: between bursts of hysterical laughter..."you should see yourself walking" (just after the whole process)
- chick friend #1: "you got a WHAT?!"
- male friend #3: "why do you have cling wrap on your back? to hold your stomach in so you can eat more?"
- everyone: "LET ME SEE!! WHERE? WHEN?"
there are many more...but the whole experience of it wouldn't be the same without your friends' reactions...whether good or bad. so that was a small part of my weekend. i'll post up a pic as soon as the "protective scale" has fallen off and when i think of it!
a big thankyou to my viker friend helga who came along...even though she didn't hold my hand when i was getting it done and she plastered herself to my ipod earphones to shut out the buzzing noise. thankyou anyway for driving me home and laughing at me trying to get into my car like an old woman.
olga's thought for the day: it's not that much fun being sober when your friends are intoxicated!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
social experiment no# 1.
SITUATION - on train on way to uni by myself, seating next to window
- seating next to window in 6 seater section
- one seat away 2 girls seating opposite each other complaining
- grandmother & grandkid sitting in front of me
- me, opting to not plug in mp3 player and retreating into my own world
- grandkid starts to copy me drawing things on wet, foggy window
- grandma yells at me for graffiting public property
- grandma praises grandkid on drawings of stick people (gender could not be determined) with overgrown heads and smiley faces
- 2 girls leave. good. ears beginning to bleed from overcomplaining about themselves being stupid
- 2 mums + 4 little girls enter and sit in remaining seats available
- youngest girl ~2 1/2 yrs old starts slapping me on knee and kicking my shin
- though would be nice to kids
- showed kids dead human body pictures
- kids start crying
- mum's tell them to start drawing on window
- kids scramble over me to reach window
- oldest girl king punches me on head in effort to reach beloved window
- revenge???
- reach melb central, get off train
so there it is. me trying to be nice and friendly and non-isolating myself in my own little world. result??
ME - 0
stay tuned for my next social experiment.
smoochie smoochie
PLEASE put me OUT OF MY MISERY. so my little contribute to couple etiquette is
- thou shalt not get it on while trying on clothes in public. please...GET A ROOM...even if it's a fitting room.
olga's song for the day: free [estelle]
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
noodle whiplash
i'm about to check myself into the emergency ward at the alfred or something. this ain't looking pretty guys.
sunshiney day
ANYWAY, i have been doing some philosophical thinking again. i seem to have these bursts of thoughtfulness after random conversations i have with people. so tonight i thought i'd explore the people we meet in our daily lives. how much of an impact do these people have on us? friends...acquaintances...enemies...loved ones...there are so many people that we come in contact with. when these people leave our lives (whether on good or bad terms), are they just a bump in the road...or more of a road block?
i guess when people come back into your life, it is then that you learn how far you have grown or moved on. i mean, if you ended a friendship/relationship on bad terms with someone...and suddenly they reappear in your life after many years...the way you react may be radically different or exactly the same as the last time the two of you met. it's not so much the person that you's how you interact with said person that is an indication of how much you have changed.
so my question for the night is...who are the people that are merely bumps in the road...and who are the road blocks? and does assigning certain people to these categories impact how you are as a person now?
this post has again turned into a nothing post.
olga's song for the day: daisy duke [rooney]
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
send your lovin' to moi
not fair!!! i think you owe me not an apology but a cookie. i look forward to this cookie. it has to be a nice cookie. a very very nice cookie.
more from the wealth of knowledge known as my brain later.
let them eat cake...
ok enough of that. feel free to shower me with gifts and cake. or anything along those lines. yes i am asking for sarcastic comments. i do not care.'s APRiL 12th...MY BIRTHDAY!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
olga's thought of the day: friday is T-day. OW!
Monday, April 11, 2005
couple etiquette : lesson no# 1.
dear readers,
today we are returning to the good old days of lessons. why?? because i had no choice but to sit in public transport for 45mins with an asian couple smack bang right in front of me who decided to be all PDA - yes less than 30cm from my face they decided to PUBLICLY DISPLAY THEIR AFFECTION to each other. and despite being told that disclaimers don't stand up i don't frickin' care cos i am going to put one up...again...and if anyone is offended or doesn't see the humor in this then it is purely your fault because our constituition/legal rights here in Oz allows us free speech (and that's all that matters) and my disclaimer does allow me to be excused from everything.
Disclaimer : i am not angry (though i may sound it), i am not bitter (though i may seem like it), i am just funny HA! this is what happens when your brain works too fast and you forget what you were gonna write down. so to just borrow from one long ago...
[quote] " in case you cannot detect the sarcasm and BS in the above me. it is dripping in my most cynical thoughts. " [/quote]
now. shall we begin?
i have nothing against SOME forms of public displays of affection, it is a perfectly normal thing to do when you *love them, and are in love with them*, in fact i've even told people that i have found it strange when they are with their partners and don't seem to be affectionate to each other (see i do have a heart).
but then those who are in a relationship must not forget about those who aren't or who happen to take a different train line to their respective partners. there are those of us who, on a 8:30am train, running late to wherever we are going just do not appreciate displays of *fairy kisses* or conversations that go no where because the only things being said are -
woman : "do you love me?"
man : "oh yes i do my snuggly wuggly snookums"
woman : "how much do you love me?"
man : "so much so that my heart is going to explode my snuggle wuggly snookums"
(repeat x how ever many times you can say it in 45mins)
so lets lay it all out shall we? for both sides cos i like balance like a good old fashion scale.
- please no pet lovey dovey nicknames - some of us may have had breakfast and i'm sure everyone else in carriage would appreciate it if it too stayed in our tummy's
- please no "do you love me?"/"how much do you love me?" conversations - cos maybe one day you're not gonna get the answer you want
- please no gorilla playground monkey bar games - there are those of us asleep and do not appreciate being smacked on the head from a wayward arm/hand as you try to hug/climb on top of your partner
- please no sharing of food where you try to stick it into their mouths - food goes in mouth, not on strangers lap
- please no arms around waists particularly if sitting in a three seater area - some may call it sexual harrasment (the stranger not the significant other in case you got lost there)
- no fairy kisses particularly no fairy kisses that go on for anything longer than 30secs at best - the dribbling look is not pretty
- making loud, obvious coughing noises - some may appreciate it, some may not, others might think you are actually choking to death
- making rude, loud, spiteful comments - single romantics at heart are everywhere and they will attack ya, plus we've all been (or will be, hopefully) in that situation at some point in our lives
- smacking the person/couple back at wayward hit on head - that's called assault
- no mocking PDA couple back - last time i checked we're all over the legal adult age...yep i said ADULT
so how must we singletons survive such shows?? how are we to retain our hold on our dignity?? simple, SLEEP. then you can just put it down to a strange, weird and terrifying nightmare that your subconcious decided to dish up to ya.
thank you (wow, please's and thank-you's in one post, mummy would be onto peas and carrots). sorry for long post. i was just that traumatised.
helga's song of the day - single [natasha bedingfield] go independent women.
so my friend...well he's more of an acquaintance...but that's a whole different blog post...was explaining to me the etiquette of buying a drink for someone. his theory is that it is perfectly OK for a guy to buy a drink for a girl, but the opposite doesn't work. apparantly it's implying that a guy is effeminate and er...lacking in some areas...if he accepts a drink that a girl has bought him.
now while chics get the better end of the deal with this theory...i think it's total crap. because a number of my guy friends would not refuse a drink if i bought them one. the whole lot of them are too cheap to turn down a free drink anyway!!! so the question is now...who should fork out for the alcohol?
olga's thought for the day: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME SOON!
Saturday, April 09, 2005
our hidden talents
Thursday, April 07, 2005
curiosity can kill the cat
so here's my second post in as many minutes but i was watching *ahem* a show and this question popped into my head...
is hair on a guy's chest sexy?? can there be too much hair?? does a little go a long way?? is it a sign of masculinity??
for all the guys who happen to just stumble onto our blog frequently i would just like to say that i am NOT in any way interested to know the specifics of whether you personally do/do not have any on your chests....our blog is R rated...not XXX. let's try to keep it that way

perfect strangers
there's a theory that some believe (i being not one of them mind you) that there are only so many specific time frames in our lives to catch that significant other that we all look for in our lives. and one and perhaps the last time being that which we spend in uni.
so my posy of a question to you guys is, can it be that you guys actually believe that for those of us still in uni that this is it for us?? we only have that 1-2 years left in our lives to find THE ONE??? what happens after then??? are we then doomed to spinisterhood for us chicks after this so very important years of our lives?? what happens if you're in a relationship then break up and then bam! you're out of uni too?? geez...sounds like a pretty bad double wammy then.
as i do not believe that theory personally and that there is hope beyond the 3-5 years in the institution of uni i have decided to come up with a list which i hope is appropriately titled for those of us in the group affectionately known as "SINGLETONS"
* airport
* train station (excluding dodgy dandenong)
* work
* hospital
* pub
* bank
* movie theatre
* comedy festival
* city myer
* botanical garden
* dog park
* speed dating
perfect strangers meeting in unusual places getting to know each other from that's what i call romantic. and it can happen. cos it does.
here's to the courage that resides in all of us to make that first move. *cheers*
helga's "if i was a doggie i would look like this" pic of the day -

helga's "if anne was a doggie she would look like" pic of the day -

Wednesday, April 06, 2005
hello, hello, oh hello!
i was thinking about this at you all know how brain stimulating selling clothes is. when people greet each either for the first time or something like that...what is the appropriate way to do it? it ranges from handshakes, to hugs, to cheek kissing. tonight's focus will be cheek kissing...because i said so!
i for one am NOT a cheek kisser. i'm ok with being cheek kissed or air kissed or whatever you call it. BUT what i want to know it a part of your personality to do that? i mean so many things could go wrong. you could both misjudge it and end up kissing each other on the lips (not especially pleasant if it's a girl-girl situation...but not so bad if it's one of your hot guy friends). do you just lean in and air kiss when you say hello? what happens if the other person leans back? REJECTED.
and then, there are so many ways it could go. if a guy friend cheek kisses it just a mate thing? i don't see many guys cheek kissing their other guy friends. now that's something i'd like to see. or is it just like copping a cheap feel...just in the form of a cheek kiss? a friend once told me..."cheek kissing leads to kissing on the lips leads to kissing...." well i'm sure you can work it out.
ANYWAY, i want to know what the deal is. cheek kissing DOES come across as hoity toity upper class stuff. if it was uncomfortable to return this does one refuse politely? is there any possible way to refuse a cheek kiss? i just don't get it. i prefer to get a genuine "hello" hug than a cheek kiss. even though cheek kisses seem more than hugs because they involve cheeks and lips...they come across as kinda pretentious...and belonging to a social custom that i don't really want to be a part of.
give me a big genuine suffocating hug any day of the week.
olga's song of the day: i just wanna live [good charlotte]
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
and then there's the differing types of vanity. there's the type where you get all dolled up so that others may go "ohhh she's HOT" and so you go on the whole ego trip and then there's the type where you like to get all dolled up just for some fun and just some personal satisfaction, where we don't really give a hoot what others may think.
i say go vanity....may it long live in all of us.
helga's and ali's song of the day - hard headed woman [elvis presley] (perhaps our new anthem olga??)
the hours spent in front of the bathroom mirror, the numerous shopping trips, the swipe of the credit card. is it all really worth the time and effort? does anyone really notice the foundation you use, what kind of shoes you're wearing, the colour coordination of your outift?
men, in particular are more interested in what your tits look like and whether you're wearing a g-string. i'm sure the males reading this blog will be in uproar at such stereotypical generalisation. *shrugs*
but back to it. are vanity and comfort mutually exclusive? can you be comfortable and still look good? i'm sure you can. but to go that extra mile, to look that much better takes a bit of pain. in a society preoccupied with it better to go with the flow...or throw it all away in favour of your trackies?
and ending on that...i just bought a dress that makes me look HOT. BWAHAHAHAHA!
olga's song of the day: scars [papa roach]
Monday, April 04, 2005
Friends and acquaintances
my response to grudges and forgiveness?? there are times where you don't ever really forget or let go of a grudge (no matter how trivial and petty the incident) but rather you simply forget about the whole thing until you happen to meet that person again at some random high-school-reunion-b'day party and instead of wanting to get yourself into an awkward silence situation you prefer to avoid that person. sometimes once you've lost that connection you just can't get it back.
then there's the other times where the grudge just becomes a story that you may or may not want to share with others but really on the care factor, it barely rates a anything higher than a 1. so really you haven't forgiven nor forgotten but rather it has just turned into another one of life's little surprises that teaches us another lesson in the whole continuum that is life.
which then brings on an insightful question brought on by Mr Jon there more value gained in putting your effort in salvaging the past friendship or into forging a new one. that is simply dependent on you and the situation and what you hope to gain out of it. personally, and despite my past track record i would think that there is equal value in both situations as simply in my view, my friends are one of my biggest influences in life and so it is they who have a major impact and role into making me who i was in the past, who i am today and who i may become in the future. therefore it boils down to the ideal that what you gain out of it is a reflection of what you put into it. we're not so much holding on to the past with the floundering friendship, but perhaps more trying to make a better future. if you never try to attempt to salvage the past friendship then you've lost an opportunity for better things in the future for both of you.
okay now i'm also confusing myself but hey it's 9am Mon morn' and i'm trying to be philosophical. really just how many of us actually put in the effort to begin new friendships without prejudice and biased first impressions? how many of us are willing to simply accept us with all our faults and realise that there is more to gain, value and enjoy from the other person as their virtues outshine their failings? how many of us are able to feel completely at ease with each other, which stems from the deep trust between two friends to simply just walk around in a towel or green panties and rub their flab in front of them? but perhaps more significantly and a truer indication of who we really are, how many of us are willing to put in that same and perhaps even more effort to maintain a friendship when factors such as distance and convenience are thrown out the window?
now onto my conundrum and my big question. just when is a person an acquaintance and when are they friends?? where is that line drawn to warrant a b'day invite?? when is it that you know you've reached the inner sanctum of one's friendship group?? do we simply just say yes to a b'day invite just to make an appearance??
so in the whole spirit of things i want to thank all you guys, the not-so-good acquaintances, acquaintances, friends, good friends and bestest buddies in the whole wide world who've graced my life (and this blog). without a doubt its you guys who put a smile on my face everyday and who in all our fun but stupid moments make me laugh like there's no tomorrow. there's no better fun then sharing food and the good and bad times with you guys. life wouldn't have been as fun. you guys just rock.
helga's last word - it's hard work being's taken me an hour to think things through and try to be logical about it with out trying to make my mascara run from the tears streaming down my face.
song of the day - anything that makes you wanna SALSA!!
Sunday, April 03, 2005
new beginnings
so...what is forgiveness all about? there's forgiving your friend for dragging you around a shopping centre for hours...and there's forgiving a guy for being an absolute bastard to you (sorry, it's been awhile and i had to add it in somewhere!)...and then there's forgiving someone for betraying your trust and friendship. can we ever really forgive someone who has wronged us? i say the answer is yes...and no. that old saying "forgive and forget" may be true...but i guess it depends on how bad the action was.
a friend once told me that i had the ability to forgive easily and move on. yes, scoff all you may. cos i sure did when i was told this. but to tell you the truth, i find holding a grudge against someone a complete waste of time and energy. this isn't to say that i forgive everyone in sight...because i don't. there's a fine line between forgiving someone...and moving on past the so-called incident and getting on with life. ok now i'm confusing myself.
so the moral of the story is that it's ok if you don't forgive someone for something. it's not like i can preach about being all forgiving...because i can hold a pretty mean grudge if provoked. but sometimes salvaging a friendship out of the ruins of whatever happened is sometimes that much more worth it. and thus ends my attempt at being philosophical.
olga's song for the day: dakota [stereophonics]