Monday, April 04, 2005

Friends and acquaintances

considering we're all now old and wise beyond our years and are beginning to ponder the past in our lives, the present in our lives, and the possible future in our lives i might as well join in...

my response to grudges and forgiveness?? there are times where you don't ever really forget or let go of a grudge (no matter how trivial and petty the incident) but rather you simply forget about the whole thing until you happen to meet that person again at some random high-school-reunion-b'day party and instead of wanting to get yourself into an awkward silence situation you prefer to avoid that person. sometimes once you've lost that connection you just can't get it back.
then there's the other times where the grudge just becomes a story that you may or may not want to share with others but really on the care factor, it barely rates a anything higher than a 1. so really you haven't forgiven nor forgotten but rather it has just turned into another one of life's little surprises that teaches us another lesson in the whole continuum that is life.

which then brings on an insightful question brought on by Mr Jon there more value gained in putting your effort in salvaging the past friendship or into forging a new one. that is simply dependent on you and the situation and what you hope to gain out of it. personally, and despite my past track record i would think that there is equal value in both situations as simply in my view, my friends are one of my biggest influences in life and so it is they who have a major impact and role into making me who i was in the past, who i am today and who i may become in the future. therefore it boils down to the ideal that what you gain out of it is a reflection of what you put into it. we're not so much holding on to the past with the floundering friendship, but perhaps more trying to make a better future. if you never try to attempt to salvage the past friendship then you've lost an opportunity for better things in the future for both of you.

okay now i'm also confusing myself but hey it's 9am Mon morn' and i'm trying to be philosophical. really just how many of us actually put in the effort to begin new friendships without prejudice and biased first impressions? how many of us are willing to simply accept us with all our faults and realise that there is more to gain, value and enjoy from the other person as their virtues outshine their failings? how many of us are able to feel completely at ease with each other, which stems from the deep trust between two friends to simply just walk around in a towel or green panties and rub their flab in front of them? but perhaps more significantly and a truer indication of who we really are, how many of us are willing to put in that same and perhaps even more effort to maintain a friendship when factors such as distance and convenience are thrown out the window?

now onto my conundrum and my big question. just when is a person an acquaintance and when are they friends?? where is that line drawn to warrant a b'day invite?? when is it that you know you've reached the inner sanctum of one's friendship group?? do we simply just say yes to a b'day invite just to make an appearance??

so in the whole spirit of things i want to thank all you guys, the not-so-good acquaintances, acquaintances, friends, good friends and bestest buddies in the whole wide world who've graced my life (and this blog). without a doubt its you guys who put a smile on my face everyday and who in all our fun but stupid moments make me laugh like there's no tomorrow. there's no better fun then sharing food and the good and bad times with you guys. life wouldn't have been as fun. you guys just rock.

helga's last word - it's hard work being's taken me an hour to think things through and try to be logical about it with out trying to make my mascara run from the tears streaming down my face.

song of the day - anything that makes you wanna SALSA!!


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