Tuesday, November 29, 2005

i think...

the end is coming up quicker than i thought for me. i hate goodbyes so instead lets instead say, till we meet again. adieu.

Monday, November 28, 2005


i just fell down the stairs at home. and landed flat on my face. ok so i misjudged the last few steps and that is how i landed at the bottom. my knees hurt. i think my pride hurts more. boohoo.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

take me out to the ballgame

the right old ritual for those who are of the single status has rolled around again for another year, and whilst my timing is actually a little off, hunting season is in full swing ladies and gentlemen.

so in this time of furious breakups occurring (and the subsequent new formation of relationships), everyone seems to give and receive their share of advice and "rules" on breaking up and the boundaries on the aftermath of a break up, so it makes me wonder. does everyone follow the same break-up rules? or are most of us just simply making them up as we go? heck what are the damn rules in the first place?

Thursday, November 24, 2005

je ne sais quoi

some of us have it and some of us don't. but then perhaps more importantly some of us know how to use it.

in the midst of inspiration from four realistic role models, it raised a rather intriguing question. and it all revolves around the idea of the power of sex. the question itself can be construed then as...

"which gender is more guilty of using the power of sex to their advantage?"

by all means if we want to make this personal go ahead, give real-life examples. only god knows that i will most likely to in my oh so subtle way and that you guys will jump to your own conclusions. so let's begin the exploration.

what am i really pointing at with the question? well there's the proverbial scene of the chick next to the highway hitching up her skirt and showing some leg to hitch a free ride. and there she is using the power of what mother nature gave her.

so with that image riding high in our minds, it makes you (or really me) wonder have we (i) used the power of the differences between the genders to advanced ourselves? to get that little bit more of a discount? to get that guy to drive us and go through the hell of finding a carpark at 24hr x-mas shopping at chadstone? and if so, then is it us girls who are more guiltys of taking advantage of you guys just cos we're pretty little things, and we know how to flaunt our assests? or are you guys smarter than we think and have instead sucked us girls into some kinda "i am woman, hear me roar!" independence bubble and are indeed the better sex at manipulating the circumstances to your advantage.

so, just who is the more powerful sex?

help me

someone else please blog. i'm suffering from lack of inspiration. maybe i should watch sex and the city and learn some more life lessons.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

let's get physical

i was chugging away on the treadmill at the gym the other day and a random thought came through my mind...how does motivation work?

wikipedia says...

"motivation is the driving force (desire) behind all actions of human beings, animals, and lower organisms"

what affects our motivation to do things...and why do some people possess it in such great quantities? if you're expecting an answer, well i don't have it. i have been attacked by a stint of blog post writer's block and have no idea what i'm talking about.

i can name though, the things that motivate me...money (yes i'm so superficial)...fitness and the desire to look good...and in some cases...routine. yes i am one of those insane people who get up at 7am to go to the gym, but when it becomes routine...that's what my motivation is i guess.

so i ask my dear readers...what motivates YOU in life?

Thursday, November 17, 2005

europe is calling...

the temptation to defer uni and travel europe is even greater now the soccaroos are in the cup! yes i know we don't really stand a chance but i hope we could be the next korea and take the world by surprise! and i wanna be there!
my whole 2007 euro trip isn't looking as good as 2006 euro trip. i know europe is great whenever u go cause everything u wanna see is always gonna be there plus or minus snow. but the cup is a once every four year thing... so it's either glued to my t.v next year or actually go there and hopefully see a game or stand outside the stadium in hope of meeting the hot players.
which leads me to point out... soccer players are HOT! i mean really really HOT! especially when compared to AFL - where they're not that great... given some needed facial reconstructions due to whatever... but not that great on a whole.
our goal keeper is a star! a hot long armed star! - i just wished they'd stop spitting or showing the players spitting... its kinda off putting... but its a minor complaint. so hot still!
so who else wants to do europe next year?

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

focus dailies

i would contribute to the argument about who's opinion is more right about the whole friend-to-lover thing...but frankly, i'm gonna sit on the fence on this one.

today, though i am going to tell you about the wonders of contact lenses. after my unique experience of going out the other night with absolutely no optical assistance, i learned to appreciate the value of contact lenses. or as i like to call them..."eyes for the vain". after numerous trips to the optometrist to be refitted for contacts (because there was no way in hell i was travelling down to springvale every time i needed contacts), i am now the proud owner of daily wear contact lenses.

they are AWESOME. no more cleaning. bit of dry eye. but most fabulously...i can SEE without my glasses again!

Monday, November 14, 2005

chick logic

firstly, mr rick james no offence was taken (and i hope none was taken from you in my previous post as well). i'm quite liking this healthy debate we're having. it's providing that rare chance for both sides of the sexes to see the other side.

i would like to congratulate mr jashamn. in one sentence he has perhaps shown that it is he who has the most shrewd insight into the fickle game of dating, the opposite sex and romance. you are quite right jash, there is no exact rule to r/ships like there is to grammer. and i did not (as far as i can recollect) state that there was, unlike mr rick james. in providing my "womanly advice", any advice mind you, it is intended for the recipient to either take it on board of to reject the given advice. yet a "rule" implies that it must be followed.

but then conversely, the saying does go "rules are meant to be broken" .

secondly, it too is right when mr jashman states that "anecodtal evidence also supports vice-versa. not just from people you know, from everywhere." and whilst i am choosing to not accept your challenge of providing you with 10 instances of the phenomenon of the friend-to-lover occurring, mainly from the following reasons: 1. i'm not in the game of naming names 2. it is a breach of trust 3. some r/ships that have indeed started out this way has ended and as they are friends of mine and read this blog, i am sure they would not like to be mentioned just merely to prove a point. yet, mr jashman's point rings true. i may not provide you with the evidence that it has occurred but it is not to say that it hasn't.

Point 2: i am "suffering from chick logic" and if i had any sort of a conscience i should abstain from "dishing out 'womanly advice' that [i] very well know is verified [by] nothing but [my] uninformed opinons". has it occurred to you mr rick james, that you have also been doing the exact same thing as i am? your opinions on how to play the game can be construed as advice. it is your opinion seduction is a linear process, it is your opinion that the process follows your specified sequence, it is your opinion that following the process is the way to go to picking up a chick. by stating it, you have inadvertently provided advice to the male readers of our blog (despite you not labelling it "manly advice"). now i could refute you by stating that if indeed YOU had a conscience too you would'nt dish out advice that is verified by nothing but your uninformed opinion too but i won't. i recognise that it is your opinion and as the rule of opinions go, it is neither right or wrong. it's just simply the way you think, informed or uninformed.


read what you want out of my "womanly advice". i am not trying to mislead you guys into thinking that my way is the best way. not at all. just like poker, there's many ways to play the dating game. you just have to find out what does and doesn't work for you. in stating my "womanly advice" i am merely pointing out that there are other ways that r/ships can be fostered. how do i know? cos i've seen it happen. women are complex, fickle creatures. like snowflakes, no two are the same (geez look at us vikers as prime examples!), that's why one strategic plan of attack will not always work on the whole female population.

Friday, November 11, 2005

let them have their cake

enough about men for now...well directly anyway. tonight we explore the rather odd logic of...

"you always want what you can't have"

ok so most of you can refute the fact that this is not always true. but it IS true most of the time. take the shining example of say...let's say my current haircut. for those loyal readers out there who don't actually know us vikers, i am the one with short-ish hair...of which i like to THINK looks a bit alternative and funky. most of the time it turns out like i have just gotten out of bed.

now, while i am fairly happy with this hair, i am on numerous occasions pining away for the long long hair that i used to have. i will agree with most of you who are thinking that i can just as easily grow it out again. but i don't want that, i want to magically wake up sometimes and have my long hair again. so we apply this theory to life, shall we?

every person has something that they want, but in their minds know it's impossible. that perfect figure, the man of their dreams, the high paying job, a better fitting bra. sometimes it's so easy to become consumed with the end product, that people forget the process they have to go through to achieve that end product. and should the average person achieve what they want, they will always want more.

so boys and girls, tonight's moral is maybe we should forget about what we can't have, and concentrate on what we do have. for no matter how rich you become, however hot your boyfriend is, however hot you are, you will always want more. that's the funny little mystery that is life.

passing the microphone on to the dear readers who will refute my opinion as they please.

p.s. damn, i just realised i should have used my boobs as my analogy rather than my haircut.

men drought

so let's clear something up firstly...

the two ladder theory -

women have 2 ladders 1. the friends ladder and 2. the potentially more then friends ladder.
what does this all mean? well the friends ladder is just that. where friends of the opposite sex are just friends and the absence of romantic/sexual/commitment feelings existing between them. the second one is one where friends of the opposite sex are friends but there is that certain "chemistry" where if the guy did ask the girl out they would say yes.

now being a "nice guy" is not the be all, end all argument for sticking a guy on the friends ladder and forever leaving him on there. contrary to what olga's saying on the rarity of it happening (and this is just my personal opinion), guys do have the opportunity to jump across both ladders. and i have no idea what she means by "guy friends hanging off" the friend ladder.

which now brings me onto my argument...

mr rick james declares it that friends of his have "suffered by being placed into the Friend Zone (without consent)" - well frankly of course being placed into one or the other ladder would occur without their consent because IT'S NOT UP TO THEM. where they go is determined by the chick herself and her feelings and attachement to the guy. for guys who have suffered such a heartbreak in their life well it's their own fault (note: i'm working under the pretense here that the girl wasn't stringing the guy along). they are the ones who have developed the deeper feelings themselves for the girl and either he's misread the signals or she just simply doesn't reciprocate.

mr rick james further goes on to say that a mistake guys do is "develop a rapport and later insinuate themselves into a r/ship" because this will just simply shove them into Friend Zone and thus "[take] any chance they ever had of entering a romantic r/ship with the girl" -

1. without ever developing a rapport with a girl how the heck do you ever think anything more can happen after? there's a reason why things such as "ability to communicate", "sense of humor" makes it into the top 5 criteria that women judge men on all the time. and yet again if the guy himself is "insinuating" himself into a r/ship, then it is just himself and thereby he's own fault that he's skewing his own reality up.

2. by firstly developing that friendship with a girl does not automatically shove you into "Friend Zone" forever and thereby eliminating all hope of a romantic r/ship. womenly advice guys: this is perhaps the best way to get into a romantic r/ship with a girl. start it off as a friendship, see if the potential's/chemistry's there, and progressively work your way up. going in for the kill too soon is what is more likely to stick you in the "Friend Zone" permanently....if you're lucky enough not to be stuck in "Creepy Guy Zone".

moral to this incredibly long story?
1. the description of what Men should be is entirely Olga's. not all women share the same view
2. guys can be a nice guy and still be DATABLE - i personally know at least 3 from the top of my head
3. nice guys DO NOT always finish last

peace out! - helga

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

wow factor!

wow - the deep issues are coming out to play.
wow - there was a comment that was over 7 lines long.
wow - love is in the air. wow is everywhere.

i have no big issues or big philosophical thoughts... and i like it that way.
no berlin wall issue, animal issue, friend issue or guy issue.
issueless and that's how i intend to keep it.
yeah this blog is about how i have nothing to blog about and that in itself is something to blog about.... i think u can loop that sentence and it still might make sense!
i think stop questioning things and just let it be! i was even happy [well just not angry] today on my post-cancelled train squash like a sardine, weird too-tall guy threatening to take me out if he moves his shoulders... yes unangry i was...
maybe cause i had chocolate in the morning - i know ur not suppose to but i needed to stay awake to study at 4am... releases endorphins...
yeah everyone should start their day with chocolate, well... hot chocolate! and get happy!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

fire and water

i was at the depths of despair as i had run out of things to blog about. but never fear, wikipedia came to the rescue. i was actually going to blog about toxic friends, but i thought of a better one...

"the nice guy syndrome"

we all have at least one male friend who is the sweetest most understanding nice guy...who we will never think of dating...simply because NICE JUST DOESN'T CUT IT.

a reliable source once told me that females have two ladders...the "friend one" where all the guy friends are hanging off...and the "potential one" where you have some male acquaintances you would want to date. very rarely does a male make the jump from the friend ladder to the potential ladder.

i've used many websites in my research of the nice guy syndrome (i know, they're just SO reliable)...and many agree on the traits of the nice guy...these being...
  • a pleasant sort of male being
  • intelligent and articulate with his words
  • decreased romantic confidence and/or success
  • has an average level of attractiveness

ok, so i'm ashamed to admit that i've used this nice guy syndrome as an excuse before, along with the many related excuses such as "you're too much of a friend" and all that BS. what women want is a manly sort of man. none of this metrosexual business. women are not used to tears from a man. we want little show of emotions, some gentlemanly behaviour, and someone masculine dammit! and if it's not too much to ask for....someone HOT. someone nice is good, but in small doses. a phone call every now and again is nice....a phone call every night is scary.

yes yes i know that i should keep dreaming. no man like that exists...but is someone with a bit of bite in their character too much to ask? enough of this nice business.

four little girls

once upon a time there were four girls, charlotte, carrie, miranda and samantha and each had their own individual personalities. charlotte was the prim, proper, eternal optimist, carrie the fun-loving, adventurous one, miranda, the smart, cynical one and samantha, the carefree, independent one. and yet as different as each one of them were to each other, they all clicked and got on like houses on fire. they all knew that they wouldn't be able to live without the others. they were friends for life.

question of the night..."why are we friends with certain people?"

we meet and greet all sorts of people everyday of our lives, and perhaps if it wasn't the excuse of being a work buddy or what not we wouldn't really hang out with them or anything. so then what is special about the people that we choose to classify as "friends"? what makes us wanna continously hang out, tell our deepest darkest secrets to, essentially share our lives with people who we count as friends.

ask me why i maintain the effort into keeping our tradition of saturday nights out alive and i would reply back with an incredibly sarcastic reply of "they're the only ones within a 15min drive" but the truth is it's a tradition i'm not willing to let die (that and Olga is actually now 33mins away...). and so after 4 years of catching up at least once a week, every week i've no doubt become incredibly close to Olga and Amu. 2 completely different people but yet 2 people i've clicked with. we've got the chemistry girls.

so what is about YOUR friends that make you keep them as friends? what about them makes you "get along with them"? don't ask me why i'm friends with olga and amu. i'm still figuring that one out. one eats me out of house and home. and the other one likes to call me a scrag (in her most affectionate voice mind you) and is dragging me deep down into the depths of hell with her.
why are we friends?

Monday, November 07, 2005

our berlin walls

a viker once said "saying i love you is to leave yourself in a state of extreme vulnerbility", so today's question of the day is..

"why is it so hard to say i love you?"

we all know what love is defined as but for those who need a more literal translation, here's one provided for y'all courtesy of askoxford.com -

"an intense feeling of deep affection; deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone; feel love; like very much"

so ultimately saying "i love you" is a form of compliment to the receiving party, but then why is it so hard for some to either just say it in the first place, or reciprocate such a declaration with "i love you too" when they obviously feel that emotion deep down. is it right to hide behind an emotional berlin wall so that you may save yourself from being vulnerable? even at the sake of the relationship itself?

i am fully aware that timing is of a great importance when saying those three little words. and so having such an immense declaration made to you when you are say 16 can be quite scary enough to make you jump over fences, but surely time has progressed for us all and hopefully we're not at the same mental level as we were before.

we're all bound to have broken hearts in our lives. we're all bound to have traumatising experiences. but hey by saying "i love you", you save others from questioning you with "sooo...do you LIKE LIKE him/her??"

p.s if you are reading this now, i know that this does not make sense at all. that's cos i am trying to leave the office as of now. hopefully i can come around and fix this up later.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

boom crash opera

following on from helga's philosophical take on our blog...i thought i'd give it a go. maybe i might get a comment here or there (and take out philosophical queen status). so my question for tonight is...

"is getting along with someone really enough?"

the obvious implication to this question would be when you are in a relationship. but this is also about friendship as well. too many times when we are asked why we like someone or why we are with someone, the common answer is..."we get along well". of course, that cannot be the sole reason. or can it?

throw all that jazz in about physical attraction and emotional attachment into the mix and you've got quite a brew there. maybe it's too hard to single out what it is you like about a person, and so being able to get along well with them becomes a main focal point. we all know (well, some of us do anyway) that getting along with someone has many dimensions.

there's the people that you can crap on about everything under the sun to. there's the ones who you can have some decent conversations with when you see them every so often. and then...wait for it...there are those people who come into your life and never really leave. the ones who you undeniably click with. that click can be anything from spending 7 hours in the car together and talking non-stop...to picking up your conversation from where you left off....no matter how long it's been since you'd seen that person. it's the combination of trust, self-disclosure and at it's most basic level...it is the unwavering friendship that exists and allows people to get along well...regardless of whether you are going to date the person or be friends with them.

a wise soul (actually it was just one of the girls at work) told me that relationships that last the longest are often the ones based on friendship. interesting point. but it all ties into the theory that getting along with someone involves much more than being able to talk to them.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

morally corrupted

a president's daughter once said:

"lying isn't always bad and truth isn't always good. if telling someone the truth makes them feel bad then lying is sometimes the better option."

this plus the inspiration i've been hit with recently from reading ali's insightful posts over the last few days made me inspired to post something that is out of the ordinary for us vikers. something that isn't weird, something that hopefully everyone else can understand, and shock horror something that isn't ABOUT US.

so my arguement is that everyone is morally corrupt. the only difference is the level of corruptness between all of us. we all do things that we know are wrong, things that will hurt someone else. we've all at least once in our lives have taken the easier road than the harder but more socially "right" road when we make decisions everyday in our lives. side note - this is more pointing towards situations that encompass more worldly decisions, not trivial ones like "oh i shouldn't have copied that person's answers".

so now my question (much like ali's god vs free will) is right vs wrong. why do we do things even though we know it is wrong. wrong to ourselves, wrong to the immediate other person, wrong to others, wrong, wrong, wrong. immediate self gratification from doing that one deed can only last so long till guilt sets in. if guilt sets in at all. for example an alcoholic deciding to get behind the wheel after a night out drinking. the immediate self gratification is there in the satisfying effects of the alcohol but then there's the risk of an accident occuring with tragic consequences. but then why does the alcoholic still drink though fully aware of the consequences that can occur as a result of their actions.

why and perhaps more importantly how can people justify their actions even though they are fully aware of the implications that their actions can take? how can people admit, accept but STILL denial the possible disastrous, tragic consequences that would most highly occur as a result of their decision and choose to take the more "morally corrupted" road?

is it not more selfish to do the wrong thing by others, but what may feel like the right thing for yourself? can such situations and reasonings be justified? then just as an important question is can those other people around the person accept his/hers reasonings behind their actions? should they accept it? should they intervene? but then conversely, should we sacrifice our own happiness for the sake of just doing "right" for someone else? at what stage then if we all adopt this strategy do we say enough's enough?

we (being the civilised, non psychotic kind) all have been taught and have our own measuring stick of measuring right and wrong. but then since nothing is set in stone, that fine line separating the two can and does get fuzzy. and most certainly more often then not it is our own fault for fuzzying up that line ourselves so that we may get what we want regardless of everything else. i have yet to see someone defy the age old saying of "the truth always comes out in the end". but even knowing that, and knowing that the degree of consequences that can be suffered as a result of the concealment of the truth rises exponentially over time, we still do it. we lie. we lie because it isn't always bad for others. and more to the heart of the truth, we lie because it isn't always bad for ourselves first and foremost.

pass it forward shiny nails

it all started when kat got attacked by a sales girl in the middle of melb central, her hands were at the mercy of a girl that didn't know how to stop talking and voila - a nice buffed shiny nail. and that's how she got roped into buying a kit.
she passed this forward to her friends, one of which is me - we mocked her for getting sucked into an aggressive sale. BUT when my first nail was done i couldn't stop staring at it... the light bounced off it and it was hypnotizing. i was under the shiny nail's spell... so i did all my nails... so they all shine and feel good. now i move my hands around to watch them shine.
sounds crazy right? but u can't help it. just u wait til urs are nice and shiny! it's hard to look away.... so i'm sharing the good word of nice nails.
the buffer thing comes with a one year guarantee - if it stops buffing then u get a replacement. can't beat that! gee i should be selling the stuff!
it's amazing what nice nails do to u... i am enlightened to why chicks fuss over their nails... it's worth it! took almost 22 years to figure it out but i got there.
so ladies [and fellers] - that's the law according to aniocracy!

Thursday, November 03, 2005




day #6!

i have reached day 6 of my working week! and how glad i am that i am nearing a 2 day break. but come to think of it, if you combine placement into that...this day 11 of a working week. oh well...day 6 of a paid working week! how you have to love crazy working hours.

olga is updating her list of members to stupids anonymous. the organisation is still very much up and running. so here's your chance now to stand up and be proud to be stupid! entry to this prestigious club involves a defining stupid moment in your life...and a free dinner for me.

hi ho hi ho...it's off to work i go...again.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


anonymous, are you the same mr. anonymous?
cos if you are you're one heck of a player.

p.s amy if you are reading our blog again, instead of studying, my initial title for this post was actually gonna be...

AMY'S GOT A SECRET ADMIRERE. but as you can tell i can't spell admirer.