Tuesday, May 30, 2006

blinding rage

zelda seems to have summed up the vibe here at viking central over the last few posts/days quite well. right now, this blog is an angry, angry place. at any given time there is at least one viker who's majorly pissed off and calling for the blood of some people or there is at least one viker who is majorly pissed off and retaliating back to harsh, harsh words. we're one pissed off bunch over here.

but then in the midst of exam stress, and well just general pissed off, blinding rage stress, there just seems to be one comment said by fellow darling viker in an innocent moment that seems to put a smile on my face every time i read it.

"yes the world would be a better place if everyone just got laid more"

simple words, but thanks viker _ (fill in gap). you have made my day.

to my beloved

how i shall miss you on thursday...
let me count the ways.

i hope you're feeling guilty now.

tweedledee and tweedledumb

recent events have shed lots of light on a particular person and their character. and from someone that doesn't think that highly of human beings in the first place i must admit i'm surprised and witnessed a behaviour i never thought i myself would experience first hand... now it intrigues me being a psychology student. this person should be taken to a lab and studied... along with serial killers. a complex person who thinks they're smart... but he is no hannibal lecter... so on top of having questionable morals he isn't as bright as he thinks. so for him to make judgement on MY character and intelligence is an absolute JOKE! i never made myself out to be some smart person or better than anyone, and just cause i work in my own way and i'm not seen pulling my hair out over crap, doesn't make my effort less than anyone else's.
oh and to the other chicken in the duo... your a TOOL!

Monday, May 29, 2006

blah blah blah

just in case i needed one...

DISCLAIMER: this post is not meant for anyone. it's a general one that arose from viking mistress conversations.

friendship rocks
yes we are back here again. but i guess there are times when i realise what it means to have close friends. a friendship that is based on years spent knowing each other, knowing what the other person is like, knowing most of their secrets.

i've often been in conversations about what the meaning of love is...but less so about what the meaning of friendship is. i read a quote somewhere that friendship is more accepting of love. basically you let your friends get away with a lot more than you would your significant other. funny sort of thought, but oh so true.

there is something about the friends i have that i don't want to lose. it's a combination of acceptance, loyalty, trust, sarcasm, cynicism, and many other things. but a small proportion of these friends keep it real. they offer constructive comments, would defend you till the end of time...but this is the clincher. they'll tell you anything to get you to realise the error of your ways. and it won't be to judge you (well not completely anyway), as some people tend to do. these rare friends make you see the error of your ways so that you can grow and evolve as a person.

it takes some pretty special people to do that. and i'm glad i have them in my life.




EDIT: for once, olga did not write this. i had to change to helga acid green.

Sunday, May 28, 2006


i was having a conversation with my dear friend helga the other night about this blog. yes, indeed a funny topic to post about. but important nonetheless. it's amazing that we can post about absolutely anything and it just takes one person to think that the post is about THEM. ALL ABOUT THEM. stop being so goddamn self absorbed. let me provide an example.

[QUOTE] LORETTA SAID: Really "Olga" because you had me fooled properly. In regards to that conversation we had, you chose to pretend to be someone you weren't, and to hold me responsible for any discomfort is unreasonable. I did not pressure or force you to do anything. At any stage, you could have said 'can we not talk about this?'Intead, you chose to act flippant and continued the conversation.For you to launch that attack on me the other night was unreasonable. Originally, I wanted to make peace, asking that we be civil. But I have always been civil to you, nothing less. Yes, we are very different people, but I have never been hostile nor unfriendly towards you. The same cannot be said about you. Please don't try and make me feel like I have wronged you, when it is you who have subjected me to years of your coldness. You know what I'm talking about.After all these years, I quit.I quit trying. Because at the end of everything, after all these talks we've had, it's back to square one. I'm not saying you're a bad person, and I can see you're good to your friends.I am writing this because your accusations towards me were unjustified. And I don't want to take it lying down anymore. [/UNQUOTE]

REALLY, we here at viking mistresses only fight back when provoked, ESPECIALLY when attacked on our beloved blog. so here are the topics for tonight. MISCONCEPTIONS. BEING WRONGED. AND IF I AM SO OFFENSIVE TO YOU, STOP READING THIS GODDAMN BLOG.

  • i was UNDER the MISCONCEPTION that things had been RESOLVED and a mutual parting of the ways had been agreed upon. obviously i was under the MISCONCEPTION that things had finished.
  • and the only thing i feel i have BEEN WRONGED about? being attacked on this blog. cos that's just not on. if you want to attack me, start your own blog and post your complaints up there.
  • our third and final topic? well that just speaks for itself.

last comments. i have realised that i am not a BAD PERSON. i am just a COLD, UNCIVIL and HOSTILE bitch. YEAH! THAT'S WHO I AM! oh well, at least i'm honest. i'll "quit trying" now, although to tell you the truth, i "quit trying" long before i started this post.


whip it... whip it good!
instructions to good whippin', brought to by henrik:
to ensure good whippin' you make sure u bring the hand all the way back, aim for the target and swing it like there's no tomorrow baby! if that doesn't do it for you pull out two and go for it.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


when is a lie not a lie? white lies, big whoppers, whole constructed false stories...realistically the way we get through life is to chuck out a lie here and there.

now in my journeys i have met some real pathological liars who can make up things without blinking an eye...and some really poor liars (ie. me).

there must be a specific part of our brain that allows us to lie successfully. and when those lies become an act, and the act becomes a part of life...it gets lost in the grey zone and we forget it was a lie in the first place and simply accept it as truth.

are we just all pathological liars?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


HYPOTHETICALLY (or realistically, depending on which demographic of 11 people you are in) if you were sleeping with your boyfriend/girlfriend, how many times...

a) a night would you do it?
b) a week would you do it?

we're talking realistically (as realistic as a hypothetical can get), AND in the ideal world. FOR EXAMPLE ONLY, if i was living with my hypothetical boyfriend/girlfriend

and for those who are a bit hazy on what i mean about 'sleeping with' (come on, you're all smart girls/guys, you don't need me to explain this but i will anyway), i mean shagging, bonking, banging, f***ing, 'making love with', er...feel free to add to this. i sorta ran out of words.

have fun!

Sunday, May 21, 2006




NB: now if this post seems familiar to you, please click here. this would be the same reaction you would get from two people upon discovering similar pieces of information.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

we're all skanks

it's the harsh truth.
but the truth none the less.
and by "we" i mean "WE" the whole female population.
not just vikers.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

revenge is a dish best served cold

watch out.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

happy mother's day!

not like many of our readers are our mums, or are old enough to be mums, or are even female. oh well. the sentiment is there.

my one day off which i plan to enjoy immensely!

maybe i will bake a cake. for my mum.

and also...[quote] men - not all of you are bastards. especially those named "andrew" [/unquote]

yeah. right. hope you got examples of at least one andrew who is not your boyfriend.

Friday, May 12, 2006

all shook up!

is there anything better than mcdreamy and josh lucas in a romantic comedy to cheer up friday night blues?

i don't think so.

men - not all of you are bastards. especially those named "andrew". i'll explain later.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


i am sick. boohoo

i have no energy to blog. maybe tomorrow.

till then i will wallow in self pity about the state of my sickness. and the poor state of my social life.


Monday, May 08, 2006

we're not in amsterdam anymore toto


what is it? it is the total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person's existence, regarded as determining the person's destiny. layman's terms? one's fate, destiny.

SO...what's the point of this? karma is biting me back on my arse/ass (if you're from the south, if you're from the north). this unknown, non-physical "thing" seriously works in mysterious ways. anything said, anything done and BHAM! karma can/will pick it up, keep it in memory and then go AHA! now i (karma) get to screw you around for a while till cosmic balance has been equalised again.

i don't get sick very often. now i'm sick. i normally out-perk 99% of the population. i'm being out-perked by annie's psych tutor. i love food. i've lost my appeitite. the pain of all this. i could ask why me? but i think i know the answer. because in karma's books, it's my fault. repeat..my fault. MY question is this now...HOW DO I REPENT?!?!?!?! HOW DO I MAKE IT ALL STOP?!?!?!? I AM SORRRRRRRRRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I PROMISE TO BE GOOD. I JUST WANT TO EAT VIETNAMESE NOODLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so how has karma bitten you on your arse/ass (yet again toe-ma-toe/toe-may-toe)?? did you really deserve it??? do you want to bite karma's arse/ass back in retaliation??????? oh jesus. karma's gonna get me again from that right? god damn it.

side gilmore note: do we actually dress like we belong in amsterdam...you know..."amsterdam"?

Sunday, May 07, 2006


i have an ulcer on the inside of my lip. boohoo.

i also have no inspiration to blog anything. maybe tomorrow.

till then i will wallow in self pity about the state of my ulcer, and the poor state of my social life.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

stop press!

dear jane, i have to scrap my matchmaker idea for those two ppl i had in mind. why you may ask? the guy i had in mind is gay. i completely, utterly, and no idea how, but forgot that rather small fact.

i love hypotheticals. it's the closet psychologist in me (i may have been the next freud if not for all those maths involved). a question that came up during lunch today...how far would you go for your loved one?

so far in the rather small population group that was asked this question, no one was willing to die or go down swinging with their significant other if the long arm of the law caught up with their loved one who happens to have committed some crime. one was willing to footy tackle the love of her life if there was a stray bullet flying around and crush his knees. though it was generally agreed that donating an organ (if you didn't need it firstly for your survival) was something that they would hop, skip and jump to do for their beloved.

so significant other of mine - YES i would give you one of my organs. but i would probably end up killing you with it considering we're of two completely different blood groups. BUT do not despair. with my asian connections, i'm sure i'll find something that matches you in the black market out there. though i do hope that if i get caught by the boys in blue, you'll not only stand by me (with your brand new life saving organ that i did get you) but come down swinging with me and not dob me in to save your own toosh. i have faith in you.

so what would you do for a loved one? family, friend, lover, creepy peeping tom next door that you secretly enjoy stripping for, who cares - is there any boundaries when it comes to love? what depths would you go to?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

central perk

why do we have friends? what is the purpose of friends? well one of the many roles as a "friend" is to be there for the deep and meaningful conversations and advice needed by those who are having r'ship/boy/everyday life problems, i.e. the shoulder to cry on. now i'm 99.9% sure that all of us as friends to other people have been in that situation. the late night phone call, the many lunches discussing, gossiping about our love lives and what not.

now i've found a rather interesting observation - people only really taken on advice/opinions from those who have either been in a r'ship or are currently in one.

frankly i think that is a BS way to conduct business. i have found myself in many a situation where i have been asked for my advice or been made to sit there and listen to all the lovey dovey crap and in the end have my opinions completely dismissed because i find myself in either one of the above situations (read the theory). why do that to the poor person who is only trying to be your rock in a hard time?

why do you ask if you're only gonna dismiss our opinions? what makes people think that just because others may not have any experience in love, that they have no brain, intelligence or knowledge about life in general? these people may instead actually provide the better viewpoint. they are the objective one (meaning you are wrong).

p.s. i will also not divulge nor seek any information regarding sizes. it's disturbing. it's wrong. it's also very private.

Monday, May 01, 2006

money making olga

i just got asked to work over 2 days doing data entry. probably the easiest money i'll ever make within the company. just for sitting on my ass all day in front of a computer.

hooray! i'm set for the week!

and what of my marriage and kids survey? most people seem to want to get married and have kids for a variety of reasons. comfort, security, the big wedding day, conforming to societal norms, the ticking of their biological clock.

but then there are some who aren't too keen on the kids idea. wow. i'm not alone!

and THEN there are those who are horrified at the prospect that i don't want to get married OR have kids. these were my favourite.

so my conclusions? to each their own. everyone wants different things out of life. but as for most things (ie. religion, occupational choice, political preference, fashion sense), it's perfectly fine to have your own opinion. just don't try to force it on other people.


sorry darlin zelda. i need to find you your luke who will serve you coffee every single day and have kept that piece of paper that you handed to him that first time you guys met 8 years ago.

i'm expanding my horizon for you.
the quest to find you a guy continues. i will not be defeat. i will not give up.