Sunday, January 14, 2007

hop, skip and a jump!

due to overwhelming lack of response to last week's post...i've decided to post another one. rather sad that it has dwindled down to a post a week when it used to be daily...but oh well. we must work with what we have.

i kept meaning to post stuff about my travel revelations, but never got round to it. so this is my rather delayed, rather blurry post trip reflections.

well...i'll start with the obvious. i backpacked it solo and i got heaps of horrified reactions, questions, horror stories, blah blah blah. but there were those people who thought it was a cool thing to do that required lots of balls (which was hard because i don't have any). an epiphany occurred to me halfway through my trip about this...

when you travel on your own, you could be whoever you wanted to be. star. anything really. because who would ever know otherwise? (don't worry i didn't pretend to be any of these star maybe hehe) ANYWAY, it got me to thinking about how different it would have been to have a travelling partner. a friend who maybe has known you a while. then the dynamics change. instead of meeting someone and being able to define yourself as you're defined by the person you're travelling with.

you are defined by the very friendship you have with travel buddy X. how long you've known each other, things you know about each other, where you're headed in life. it becomes intertwined in conversations you have with people really. then that tiny part of you that got overlapped doesn't come out. some things you just don't tend to say in front of your friends, no matter how long you've known them.

to travel or not to travel solo. that's the question. it wouldn't have been better or worse. just different.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And limited by the person you're travelling with. Limited by their preferences, the way they lived, the way they want to travel, how open they are to new surroundings, new experiences. And limited by how good a friend they are to you and by how much you would pander to their likes and dislikes as much as they might pander to yours.

I say travelling solo is the go ... it may be more dangerous, but then again, you're only limited by your own conscience, not limited by someone else's.

Sun Jan 14, 06:37:00 PM  
Blogger jashman said...

or you could fool people as a team, instead of by yourself!

imagine hamish and andy going on a trip and lying to everyone they meet. that would be pretty funny...

Wed Jan 24, 02:39:00 PM  

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