the wisdom of garry...
anne, garry's right, CMG is your perfect guy (and garry himself can be plan b to avoid spinsterhood for the rest of your life...). here's why...
- CMG also has a tatt
- CMG has fetish for superhero - superman
- CMG has superman car seats
- CMG has a superman lunnchbox
and the one that takes the cake...garry's validated this fact too cos he's seen them...
- CMG has superman underwear (g string?!?!?!)
did you HAVE to do that? things were just looking up from my shitty day and i've just plummeted back down.
oh and too bad. won't need plan A or plan B. if smashed enough on saturday night then imaginary bf #2 will be in existence. MUAH HAH HAH HAH.
Not to mention the fact that he has Superman's balls of steel.
garry garry seems that YOU and CMG are perfectly suited to each other. i mean if you've seen his underwear??!! no more needs to be said
hey try hearing that garry's seen CMG's superman g string at like 10am and see what it feels like!! he won't tell and i don't want to know by the way where the 'S' is on the g string.
and yes i did have to do that. if i had to go through the pain. everyone else has too. you're scaring me with how much you know about the little things about CMG. or garry. wasn't sure who you were referring too....please don't tell me. i don't wanna know.
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silence means guilt garry. so you're admitting the truth about EVERYTHING.
i'm bored. please someone entertain me.
oh side note...i also found out that anne has more balls than CMG.
Hahahahahahhahahahaha.....Anne has more balls than CMG!!!!
Hahahahahahhahahahaha...howdy mame.
i will leave anne to defend herself and as such, will leave you to her mercy garry.
be careful she doesn't use her magic braclets to charm you, and her magic lasso to rope you in.
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