Monday, April 18, 2005

you're angry, i'm angry, let's all be angry!

okay so how is it that happy people turn angry?? and angry people...well just stay angry?? what am i talking about?? well i would like to think i am a happy (some call it nuts) person, and if you don't think i am well screw you cos i am. no really i am. see now that's a classic example of a happy person turning angry. so how did this all start?? well...

my family was banging around the house between the ungodly (sorry god) hours of 5:30am-6:00am and i ANGRILY woke up from my HAPPY sleep. then i HAPPILY board my train which arrived on time to only have an elderly mass of asian, non-english speaking women come into my carriage and then have one of these ladies sit on me. NOT HAPPY. RATHER ANGRY. THINK BROKE FEMUR.

then i got into work. work is a HAPPY place for me. cos i can bludge. then lunch came around. ohh even HAPPIER. went to zing lunch. started eating lunch. found out that my mummy cooked lunch for me in a vat of oil. ANGRY LUNCH.

then had to think of something creative to keep you readers entertained. can't think. creative juices squeezed out of me. ANGRY. went 'next bloggin' found hilarious site about angry ninjas who like food. i think i like them. yes. i do. so HAPPY.

then read their posts in blog. got confused. and scared. very very scared.
want to know what else is scary? hearing anne and CMG have fetishes for superheros and them making sweet super-super human babies.

so there you have it. i was happy, then angry, then happy, then angry, then in pain from broken femur, then happy, then happier, then angry, then happy, then scared. now i am angry cos lunch was crap.

i think i'll go back to those angry, food-loving, bikie, fantasying about each other mum's ninjas. i think they're just as weird as us. possibly even weirder. and guys/gals if you ever visit us, that's a compliment. please don't come attack us.


Blogger Ez said...

You know, I've heard broken femurs have that effect on people.

Mon Apr 18, 03:57:00 PM  

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