Wednesday, April 13, 2005

sunshiney day

i had a marvellous birthday today. thankyou from the bottom of my heart (yes i do have one) for all your messages, emails and random "happy birthdays". how's this for a 21st birthday...i went to have a viking mistresses + ali lunch, i sat in on an anatomy lecture which i'd probably sat through 2 years previously, and i met garry (pink muscle top man). oh, and i saw an ex-bf when i went out to supper. some very weird happenings. maybe it has something to do with the alignment of the planets or something.

ANYWAY, i have been doing some philosophical thinking again. i seem to have these bursts of thoughtfulness after random conversations i have with people. so tonight i thought i'd explore the people we meet in our daily lives. how much of an impact do these people have on us? friends...acquaintances...enemies...loved ones...there are so many people that we come in contact with. when these people leave our lives (whether on good or bad terms), are they just a bump in the road...or more of a road block?

i guess when people come back into your life, it is then that you learn how far you have grown or moved on. i mean, if you ended a friendship/relationship on bad terms with someone...and suddenly they reappear in your life after many years...the way you react may be radically different or exactly the same as the last time the two of you met. it's not so much the person that you's how you interact with said person that is an indication of how much you have changed.

so my question for the night is...who are the people that are merely bumps in the road...and who are the road blocks? and does assigning certain people to these categories impact how you are as a person now?

this post has again turned into a nothing post.

olga's song for the day: daisy duke [rooney]


Blogger viking_mistresses said...

yes i know i still haven't wished you happy b'day yet. let's see how long it can last

Wed Apr 13, 01:00:00 PM  

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