so long, farewell, auf wiedersen goodbye!
viking mistresses (more like helga and olga)...this is your 2006...
- olga going AWOL to europe. FABULOUS
- the major bust-ups, conflicts, and all round bitch fights...that even olga had to hear about while in europe
- helga (one half of vicious men haters club) with man. now that's what i call a 180!
- philosophical lessons on what to do on a first date
- four words. sex and the city.
- two words. gilmore girls.
- the amount of tears shed over the notebook
- man love month
- olga becoming an occupational therapist. a REAL occupational therapist!
- vast quantities (and sometimes pathetic little quantities) of alcohol consumed throughout the year
so here we are. more moments to come.
but what will next year bring?