Wednesday, September 29, 2004

olga's adventure in glenroy

had work all day today where i proceeded to unpack millions of linen material clothing. sometimes i quite like the things they bring out...but some things like linen shorts are just hideous. anyway had lunch with kathy at a jap cafe in chinatown...more like i scoffed my food down in the hour break i had. it also might have been the fact that i was starving as well. so buggered after work...then had to drive up to my friend's house in bloody glenroy. the road trip was traumatising, i got lost so many times it was a miracle i got to her house on the same night! did some assignment work, got some yummy mudcake to eat on the way home, and am now home doing nothing. such is life eh? so now i think i should be doing some work...but i can't be bothered. just want to go to sleep. or at least read something then go to sleep. or listen to music and then go to sleep. i think i am over this whole blog makes my head spin a bit because i can't remember the last 12 hours or so of my life. we are going to watch...cinderella story tomorrow...omg i don't know whether i'm more embarrassed about saying that or at the fact that i am actually going to watch something like that. and we're going to book our tickets to NEW ZEALAND tomorrow!!!! hoorah....contiki tour here we come!! we are heading off to the land of hobbits and sheep and tandem bungee jumpingand tattoos. i can't wait!


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