Saturday, September 18, 2004

the wrath of olga

OK so i am replying in a vague attempt to defend myself. i was NOT popping out!! i thought i looked quite hot actually. MUAH HAH HAH HAH!!! yes i admit i was at jeannie's house earlier bored out of my brains, eating two minute noodles that i so graciously cooked for her and what does the bugger do? goes and posts some incriminating stuff up, and then proceeds to tarnish my spotless reputation! i have no life. i have spent monday night, wednesday night, and tonight at her house. i can't even recognise my own room anymore..and soon will not be my room. people coming to inspect our house tomorrow *sniffles* goodbye to child hood room.
YEEHA i have the weekend feels so good not to work. speaking of work...*shivers* yes i am spineless, i did not shut down this creepy menswear guy like i said i would. ALTHOUGH i did give a vague "whenever" which is not a 'yes' nor a 'no'!!
i'm really wondering who the hell reads this stuff jeannie. and if i pop out of clothes, jeannie sure as hell gets stuck in a lot of them. i feel like an emergeny fashion worker whenever i go out shopping with her. she decides to try something on a size too small, consequently gets stuck in it. THEN desperately calls out to her wonder woman (ME) to come save her. it's lucky i can't see well without my glasses. i've lost count of the times i've had to come in and literally roll a top up and off her. well, they say you can never get too close to your friends. look at my first pretty! stay tuned for the next adventures of the sleepover club. from butch asian one with manly voice.


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