Thursday, September 23, 2004

Helga's House of Horrors revisited...

Okay first and who are you gonna believe (call?? ghostbusters!!), sweet little innocent helga here who wouldn't even hurt a fly or evil pringled fuelled princess hatted olga who has a heart that is impenetratable even by certain fruit described hair man's best efforts?? Yep...knew it all along me!!

So how did this whole saga begin?? well dear children pull up a comfy chair, relax with a soul warming cup of hot choccie and listen up....

"It was the Tues afternoon of the 22nd of Sep 2004, and there i was relaxing comfortably at home when all of a sudden i hear this crackly voice on my mobile..."Coming over" it screeched down the line....and knowing full well who it was i didn't over Olga comes, hacking cough, lack of etiquette and all and begins to do a "test run" did it turn out?? well that's just a matter of opinion i shall say...then this sweet little innocent girl decided to do the nice thing and invited her to stay over...Olga preceeded to screech back at me "FEED ME"..."NOW!!!" i did...then on to the house of horrors...she INSISTED whilst still screeching at me to do her i kindly obliged...however her hair was not exactly cooperating with me much so i decided to help it along...Olga's final words to me?? "I BREAK UP WITH YOU" (sorry dan...piney dan...not pinky dan...we knew you were having fun with the mere idea of Olga and I but sadly all good relationships must come to an end at some point..)"

Hey hairdresser never came up in my future career prospects...what did Olga exactly want from me??? I was meant to be a farmer...and for those of you who wrongs me NO MILK FOR YOU!!

So that was the *eventful night...and why is my house a horror?? cos everytime Olga comes over she seems to somehow make a mess and leave it that way for MOI to clean up....oh and by the way i think she wants to let you know that she can take anyone of you guys on...cos she's now a little butch asian chick...and proud of it...go figures....

P.S. Piney Dan?? she really did like *pop* to the pillow fights now!!


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