Monday, September 27, 2004

let's rock and roll...chicken style

Okay so i'm not gonna run through the whole night cos Olga's basically done it for you (look down...her posts' the one in red...) so instead i'm just rather gonna do a continuation of hers...prior to getting ready at my house i actually went to Olga's little corner of the world and visited her little hut...surprised huh?? and all you guys thought she lived with me...don't think my corner of the world is big enough for the both of us punk.

So yep we thought...operative word there THOUGHT...we had learnt our lesson from last years attempt to getting ready for a ball and Olga and i decided to go and actually get ready earlier...didn't happen...then before we knew it Amy came along and we had to now contend with 3 chicks, 1 bathroom and 1 mirror and not enough power points. what does that all equal?? a tag team race in the upper level of my house.


Ever wondered how a chick's brain works?? or even better how 3 macrob chick's brains works?? well half way to Grand Hyatt in the car Olga pipes up and proudly informs everyone that instead of 3 chicks + 1 bathroom + 1 mirror we could have actually used the other bathrooms in my house...go figures about us huh??

Let's see what else did happen last faithful night?? Amy, Olga and I got hit on by a creepy old man, FATTY made an unexpected appearance at the ball (couldn't keep him away from dessert), we did our thing on the dancefloor...which included Olga and I doing our rendition of the chicken dance, Zelda and I left a little surprise on Olga's camera (thanx creepy menswear guy who got confused...), Olga found out that the black dress and colored ribbon look was very popular, Olga finding out that another macrob chick had the same dress as her, I discovered Zelda's fav drink...raspberry vodka's, Amy amassing 22 shotglasses in total and so generously giving some away, the-vu taking pics with chicks who i think he has no idea who they are...go macrob and melb high reunions..they rock

a huge shout out to the following ppl...
  • my older bro who magnificently drove like 35km in less than half an hour without breaking the speed limit and who drove us back basically the same way too. p.s. sorry to the 2 poor unsuspecting guys outside Grand Hyatt..he honked you, not us...
  • Ali who was brave enough (and probably drunk enough) shake his booty on the dancefloor!!
  • the 2 waiters who helped me *steal* some souvniers for Amy (which included more shotglasses for her collection)
  • everyone there cos i had a great time
  • and the last remaining four of us who got to *sexy pose* with all 22 shotglasses.

i think i'll end it here...

p.s. FATTY....i think it's time we moved on from the training bras...remember gravity is not our friend and judging from what Olga and I saw of your assests at the end of last night we need to help you out pronto!!


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