Sunday, September 04, 2005

alive and kickin'

olga had the weekend to blow off steam. i feel much better now after being at home. it's back to my sister's house tonight...with no technology except a tv. boohoo. oh well...maybe it's just another one of those learning experiences. 2 weeks down, 8 more to go!!!!! the end of my uni life to drawing to a close and has set off a chain reaction of thinking about things i've done in the last 4 years. some things of which i'm proud of...and some i'm not too proud of.

and no we are not shutting this blog down!!! we sweated it out trying to get as many readers as possible...there ain't no way this baby is going bye bye.

one of my life questions for today...when do you classify someone as a mate? is there any such classification? the lines are so blurry between friends and acquaintances. i mean in this world, where you meet so many people everywhere you it easier just to call them all friends? i know in my mind who will have the misfortune of being in my life till we're old and grey. muahaahah.

olga's lesson for the weekend: ensure one has friend with brother who cooks.


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