name your price...
BACHELOR #6 : Mr Canada
and here is one with international flavour girls. many (one - Olga) has said said that he is much in the same vein as Mr Pinky, but with a twist! he'll charm the pants of you (literally) with his northen accent all the while keeping an one eye on his next conquest. and girls, mr canada will shortly have his own 3 bedroom bachelor pad....and that's a lot of room.
BACHELOR #7: Mr Chunks girls girls girls...there can only be one thing said about this bachelor. it sums him up. it says all about him. and it is just so damn irresistible. he is jude law and fat albert in one. HOT. need i say more? well okay i shall then. bachelor #7 also has the amazing ability to count (so far up to the number 3) and he also knows what syllables are. what a keeper! he's also a lover of the fine cusine of bananas, and his favourite make out spot is at the Reject Shop.
BACHELOR #8: Mr "The Jono" DudeBachelor #8 is at the current time on a hiatus and possibly scoping out international talents at the moment in the country of U-S-of-A, but do not dispair girls, he is still on the market (or so we think). got a fetish for the quiet, unassuming, tall dark mysterious type?? then we have the bachelor for you! quiet this bachelor may be, but he knows how to take you out for a ride of your life and paint the town red...New York, New York. tall, 200 tonnes, immobile, statuette, miss liberty types need only apply.
I think Chunks is taken unfortunately.
anne re. your comment in your post.
we're not here to auction ourselves off.
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