Saturday, March 12, 2005

giving up my day job...for a bit...

to my dear readers...i have decided to retire from the art of heart ripping for a time. and so dr olga changes her focus to the deep profound questions that circle the meaning of life. *SCOFFS* YEAH RIGHT. sorry guys, i'm not THAT philosophical. although, i have decided to write about something that does not involve the words "all men are bastards". oh, and to answer any questions about i do not think that all men are bastards, nor do i hate them. i have plenty of guy friends that i respect (well, most of them anyway). furthermore, i have not had my heart BROKEN and nor am i desperate for a guy. i am simply me for now. -smirks-

SO! on to our topic of discussion for tonight. TRANSPARENCY. no not the tracing paper type. i'm talking about the actions of people that are so see through and clear as water. yes we are all transparent at times...i guess that's what makes us human. it allows our friends to read our actions and perhaps respond accordingly (or egg us on). there are some instances where the tranparent friend does not even know that they are being transparent. do we burst their bubble? play along? what do we do? i guess it's a matter of how good a friend you are. and what our friend is being transparent about.

yes this is a whole load of babble, but it makes for good reading. i hope anyway. well, i gathered a few examples to help you understand a bit better. soooooo...."you know your friend is being transparent when..."
  • they call you up to ask you what time you finish work, when all they really want to know is if you are going to the olga berg sale and if you can buy them something that you actually wanted in the first place!
  • they ask you what you are doing the next day...and you know they just want you to cover their shift at work
  • they ask you stupid hypothetical questions involving "a friend" when it's really about them
  • they ask you if you have a credit card, and two seconds later ask if you can purchase their flight tickets online!
  • they don't outright say that they fancy a guy, but they spend a lot of time "talking" (that is...FLIRTING) with guy
  • this is the clincher...THEY ASK YOU IF YOU DROVE OR ARE DRIVING TO SO-AND-SO'S know the rest of this story.

alright, so maybe the alternative word is "PREDICTABLE". but there it is. i've had my attempt at being deep and meaningful...and to show another dimension of me. *bursts out laughing* and so adieu, parting is such sweet sorrow.

dr olga bean [expert in observing transparency, but often not so good at picking out her own transparencies]


Blogger viking_mistresses said...

okay now which of your lovely obervations actually apply to ME?!?!?!

so i'm inspiration to you huh???
as you say..SWEET!

Sat Mar 12, 10:13:00 AM  

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