Sunday, July 09, 2006


we had a fascinating conversation at lunch today about the many sides of your personality you show to the people in your social circles. albeit i had more fun with this than everyone else, but you know...that's just me.

so? it leads me to the dodecahedron theory. thanks to my good friend jane for the simpsons reference and the use of the word. my theory is that the average person has at least five sides to their personality. i'm sure there's people out there who have say...twenty sides to their personality, but that's a completely different story. that was reserved for the lunch conversation. hehe.

please, anyone correct me if i'm wrong, but i think it's impossible to project the same way to everyone. i also think it would be exhausting to maintain lots of different sides...because it's just too much work and then it becomes a game of pretend. and in the end, which is the real you? which has just led me to another thought which i will finish on.

so the side of your personality with the quirks, the secrets, the ambitions, the embarrassing thoughts and dreams, the fears, the everything...can anyone ever really know all of that? in other words, can anyone ever really know the real you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that it is integral to each person to separate aspects of themselves when in different situations. At work you can only show some aspects of yourself because being yourself may insult customers or coworkers, etc. With your friends, relationships are fragile things and are built on certain boundaries. Unless you are truly open with your friends, you may refrain from being too open for fear of inpropriety.

I think I'm the worst at home. No one believes me when I say that my room is a mess. One day I'll take a picture of it before I clean it up this week, just to show how bad it has become. It's a miracle my family hasn't disowned me for my bad habits.

Sun Jul 09, 11:09:00 PM  
Blogger viking_mistresses said...

i don't think it's that hard to maintain many sides to one's personality. it's one of those subconcious things. like how you just automatically switch modes when you're at work/at home/with friends. you don't really think about it, it just happens.

the only time i can think of where someone conciously switches personality is the typical flirting/getting it on situation.

wow so much thinking for such an early morning bird.

Mon Jul 10, 12:39:00 PM  

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