Saturday, July 01, 2006

peeing man

there's a few things i want to say in this post of mine. depending on how distracted i get it may be short, it may be long. bear with me.

moochos gracios duck nazi. firstly the duck was beautiful. DELICIOUS. YUMMY-ILIOUS. RUB MY TUMMY COS I ATE WAY TOO MUCH OF IT. it was good. it was worth the wait.

moochos gracios wonderful people who came on the night. not only was the food great. but the company was even better.

so what does this prove? that good food can only take you so far, but great company can make the night a memorable one. and possibly a debate about karma sutra. we may not have gotten our peeing man, and you guys would've surely left me there if i didn't tip the duck nazi, but hell i had a great night.

and people, OLD KINGDOM down on smith st is a fantastic place. the duck nazi is a crack up, the duck is fantabulouso and even the waiters add their own sense of humor to the night. judging by the great reviews that the place gets, and the many, many people that walk in and out of those doors happy, just proves that the place is a gem. go try it for yourself (even you vegetarian olga).


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