ripping lesson #2: confuse your prey
i have put much thought into this lesson. actually no i haven't...but i've been racking my brains for a suitable lesson plan. HAH. following on from lesson #1, it is now time to start sending out those mixed messages. this puts our dear boy in a bit of a dither, for he doesn't know whether to be paranoid or not. remember, it's all about the chase. if he thinks that he's won, then the game is over. provide a bit of a challenge. keep him thinking that he is on the right track. this stage of the game is only the beginning of the rip.
handy hints:
handy hints:
- play a bit of phone face-off. for those of you who don't know...when you are on the phone with him, and call waiting comes in...hang up on him and talk to your friend instead. or when you are on the phone with friend and he calls in, tell him you'll call him right back. then do it. 2 hours later.
- start dropping names of guy friends into your conversation and how close you are and how often you hang out. talk about your ex's. any topic to do with guys...take it and run with it!
- flirt with your guy friends in full view. this is an easy one. your guy friends may even egg you on with this. sitting on their laps, big hugs lasting more than 30 seconds, standing really close, cheek kissing...all that stuff (also refer to flirting lesson #1)
- when he asks you to hang out...outright refuse him and say you've already made plans with your friends. repeat as often as necessary
- hold his hand (yes, this may disgust some of may want to practise on a gay male friend). then ask him who he picked up at so-and-so's party...or if he found any hot chics...or ask him why he isn't going out with so-and-so.
- call him every couple of days. then stop all contact. stop answering his calls. feign busy-ness
- do all of the above while implementing lesson #1
stay tuned for lesson #3. if you have any good advice to offer, be my guest.
DISCLAIMER #3: i have not plagiarised. i have used male friends for their opinions with part of their consent. please don't take this seriously!
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