Wednesday, September 27, 2006

holidays almost over

ok so we had 2 weeks off... and i've done next to no work in terms of catching up on subjects i've let slipped. so the sudden realisation that i've got less than a week left had me micromanaging myself... everything is scheduled for...
well everything except toilet breaks...

i'm confused by helga's sudden burst of blogs... diary or dairy... which is it!? and how is it romantic? did she watch 'she's the man'? and suddenly fell for a huge round block of it? i mean that block was quite impressive! didn't know helga was so fond of cheese.

one of the perks of loving cheese and all things dairy is the hardness of your nails... you know u can stand your ground in a cat fight.. [not that i grow my nails to the required length to reep these benefits] but it is a perk... and nice bones... well i hope i have nice bones... i drink so much milk it's not funny... i even feel bad for the cows when people go 'cow tipping' - for all those people: it's MEAN! they're innocent creatures that produce yummy milk for me! and they're so cute in their black and white gettup.

and over the weekend there was a shoe sale... which somehow, for whatever reason, i walked out of with 9 pairs! that's right - NINE! i've always loved my feet, pampered it with massages and nice boots... and now 9 new homes to prance around in.
i'm going to regret this when i'm 50 with larger than life bunions that require bunions surgury and then i'm like disabled for a few months.
but for now... i love them all.

skipping off in my lovely heels... toot-a-loooooooo!


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