Friday, April 21, 2006


in response to the below post. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR CHEATING. i repeat. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR CHEATING.

if these assholes who cheat as a defense mechanism really think that's a valid reason and there are probably many of them out there...where are all the good men in the world?

we all like to reassure ourselves that there are always extenuating circumstances, even when it comes to cheating. but there isn't. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR CHEATING. it's like cheating on a test. you might get away with it. but it will always be there in the back of your mind that you cheated. eating away at your conscience, slowly but surely.

ok so it's not the same because many males don't actually HAVE a conscience. then we hand it over to karma and hope these assholes get what they deserve.

you can't justify cheating. men AND women cheat. it's not gender exclusive (although asshole males probably tend to do it more).

and there you have olga's opinion. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR CHEATING. this isn't meant to be righteous. it's just right.


Blogger jashman said...

i agree with red text over here.

those answers by british males are irrational and illogical.

it sounds like olga had breakfast before writing the post, compared to helga who had not.

Fri Apr 21, 03:34:00 PM  
Blogger viking_mistresses said...

i was only trying to defend men mr jashman!

thought i would play nice to you males out there for a change, which is so unlike us vikers to do so.

Fri Apr 21, 03:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have we forgotten what the bible (HJNTIY) has taught us? There is no excuse for cheating. Repeat. There is no excuse for cheating. Now you say it. There is not excuse for cheating.

And it swings both way, my friends. I know an equal amount of men and women who cheat and think nothing of it.

And why cheat? It's more time AND resource efficient to cut one off before starting another. While cheating, you'd have to expend double amount of resources, energy, pre-planning, flattery and excuses (under the supercategory of LIES) and zeus knows what else to keep both afloat. WHAT FOR?! I don't endorse cheating because it's a waste of my time. And because it says so in the bible =D

Fri Apr 21, 09:14:00 PM  
Blogger jashman said...

how about all the men that don't cheat as a counter example to the men that do. i believe that would be a better defence.

Fri Apr 21, 11:29:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hear hear! To all those who don't cheat for whatever reasons they choose. Me, because I'm lazy and can't afford to expend the time and energy to cheat! *hands over the talking baton*

Sat Apr 22, 08:25:00 AM  

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