Friday, April 21, 2006

what men want

firstly, i am determined to flood this blog with green. green here. green there. green everywhere.
secondly, i am stuck in a bit of a pickle dill.

is it justified for men to cheat when they have been cheated on previously? common reasoning from men behind this is that we women have hurt these guys so badly, that the traumatising effect has caused them to develop their own defense mechanism. that they are thinking of the bigger picture and if that current r'ship fails, then:
  • they won't feel the hurt as much
  • that if the girl does turn out to cheat on the guy anyway, then if the guy does it first, they're "one up" on the girl
now those reasonings are just a collection of views from british guys, and the same british guys came up with these reasonings as to why men cheat too:
  1. they need to cheat cos it helps their ego, they need to inflate their egos more.
  2. they're in pursuit of the "perfect sex"
  3. cos they can
so why do men really cheat? and can they actually justify?
part two coming up - men and breaking up. but first, breakfast.


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