Tuesday, April 18, 2006

narcisso for me

so it seems this blog is taking on a "couples" theme for the time being. what with all the problems, challenges, fun adventures that couples face in their quest for coupledom, and us feeling the need to post about it all....ranging from the great expectations that we all have from our most beloved ones to how they frustrate us to h**l (still in the spirit of easter), many a wonderful questions are running through this lovely head of mine.

so let's start at the beginning. the ULTIMATE question.

what is the point of a relationship? why are we driven (besides genetics, need for evolution, and the law of procreation) to find THE ONE/our soulmate/love of our life?

now i would've answered this burning question myself, but it seems i was pipped at the post. someone else has attempted to answer the question. found it quite amusing, slightly eye opening, and even slightly possibly disturbing. read me for answer. (p.s. hi kerry!)

i'm also open to other people's views on the matter. in life matters such as this, it's nice to get a wide range of opinions. so hit me with it buds! why are you driven to find your perfect mate?


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