Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Hi, its Sven. Because Frida hasn't made an appearance in quite a while, she's been replaced. As per the previous post, we're here to discuss boobies. So why are they so facinating?

Personally I wouldn't use the word 'facinating'. I think its a little less than that. But we have to say that they're at least interesting. So where do we start? Well we could go back to the beginning, where it all begins. That is, straight after birth. It works because straight after that we're on the boobs suckling away every time we're hungry. For those of us who weren't breast fed, there was the bottle, which is close enough to a nipple that it doesn't really matter. So after growing up this in mind, boobies are good and provide nutrients.

From a more historical and theoretical point of view, we can look at the evolutionary aspect. Generally bigger is better, and it definately is in this case. The bigger they are, the better chance you have that your child is going to be properly fed. So the men who are attracted to women with bigger boobies are also going to have healthier babies, which would give a a better chance of survival. Clearly theres something about that attraction which has filtered through the ages.

The final point I will make concerns the form of our topic today. It probably wouldn't be so facinating if there were only one. So cleavage is another factor which gets involved. Cleavage is quite a strange concept. You could make the same kind of shape with two of your fingers, but it just isn't quite the same. Just as a quick aside, its quite amusing that nature has built in redundancy.


Blogger quebeck said...

"it's not the size, it's the shape"

Tue Mar 21, 02:47:00 PM  
Blogger viking_mistresses said...

they're like toys that you don't get to play with very often. that's what makes them so fascinating for men. [olga]

Tue Mar 21, 06:32:00 PM  

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