Monday, March 06, 2006

burn burn burn

the following post will be written as if i am talking to you. so imagine me, sitting there in front of you, talking to you. now remember i don't appear to take a breath in between words, sentences and paragraphs so that should explain the absolute incoherence you will encounter as you read the following post. plus this is written in the last remaining minutes i am at work before i run to my tram for uni.

a strange thought occurred to me. what happens when battle lines are drawn? loyalties are called upon? allies to be made? in simpler terms, what happens when two (or more) once good buddies and friends suddenly have a massive fallout over a contentious issue?

in my observation, even though we all seem to now a days have our large social groups that we hang around with, if we look closely at the dynamics of this group situations, you will in no doubt see that there are those within the group itself that "click" and get along better and ultimately develop a closer bond to each other than they do with others in the same group. nothing bad about this, it just happens.

BUT...what happens if something oh so catastrophic occurs that calls on the group to split? it would be logical that those who are "closer" to the said person directly involved in the "fight" would "take their side". but what about those who are seemingly caught in the middle? there are those who love both and want to remain switzerland and not take a side. it would be highly possible that with group dynamics, peer pressure would be exerted on these individuals to ultimately choose and pick their side. now obviously this isn't fair, and in an ideal world, we as mature adults in our heydays of now would be grown up enough to realise the unfairness of the situation and wouldn't pull them one side or another. but hey, we're chicks, and seemingly there are guys are there who are actually chicks deep down and do this dirty deed. so unavoidable situation. any divorce and with jessica simpson and nick lachey paving the way for us, we now know the importance of dividing up the assests that was once shared. who gets what? does it go back to the person who originally gave it in the first place? does it belong now to the person who was given the gift? or does it simply come down to petty indifferences and us only wantint IT cos we don't want the other person to have it?

oh well....all questions are just as unanswerable as to whether it is chicken of the sea or chicken from the sea.

gotta run.


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