Monday, July 18, 2005

how to...

...tactfully decline requests from mates for a ride home...and to deter them from ever asking you again
  • that magical, often elusive word..."NO"
  • answer a question with a question..."but why?"
  • tell the truth...their house is located in the opposite direction of travel (which it often is)
  • a favourite..."i only give lifts to people living within 100m of me"
  • reply with an outrageously false story about how you have to pick up your boyfriend from an extended trip to ghana
  • palm them off to your unsuspecting friends who also drive
  • reel off a list of conditions...petrol money, no talking in the car, no changing the radio station, must sit in your underwear...anything that comes to mind
  • do it once...during which you drive at barely legal speed limits and manage bad driving techniques (ie. taking sharp corners at higher speeds)

please, for all our sakes...DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS MADNESS. people with their driver's licence are not taxi drivers. we are your mates who sometimes cave under the pressure of being put on the spot...and worst of all have to pay for our bloody petrol at 117c per litre.

don't abuse the friendship obligation.

i just realised that this sounds like something out of an advertisement. it should be.


Blogger viking_mistresses said...

i have a secret to tell you my dear....

Mon Jul 18, 10:28:00 AM  
Blogger jashman said...

yeh, bloody hell 117 cents. and my car takes leaded, so that's like 122 cents!

but i do live on the other side of town, so the whole situation is avoided. :)

Mon Jul 18, 11:01:00 AM  
Blogger viking_mistresses said...

and the floodgates have opened! wonder if this will ring a bell to some who read our blog, and i wonder who would actually make a change about it.

Mon Jul 18, 02:33:00 PM  
Blogger quebeck said...

"do it once...during which you drive at barely legal speed limits and manage bad driving techniques (ie. taking sharp corners at higher speeds)"

Damn okay, you caught me out.

Mon Jul 18, 08:44:00 PM  

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