Friday, June 09, 2006

big ones, little ones, tiny ones, fat ones

don't ask me why at 11:30am i am watching a "health" show titled "All About Breasts". i have cable tv. it's on. i don't want to do anymore studying. i have a sore throat from eating too many sugar lollies. which ever excuse makes most sense, then i'll go with that to get me off the hook.

so...what have i learnt about breasts.

  • there is a book titled "BREASTS: A woman's perspective on the american obsession"
that we all need to love our bodies. and that mr psychologist freud had a point when it came to the whole psychology behind guys being obsessed with them if they were not breastfed. see the whole thing about is, is that when guys are breastfed as a baby it impacts their views on those two little organs when they are big boys.

see the whole hypothesis behind that point is that if guys get breastfed when they are babies, they associate the boobies as just simply milk making machines. however no breastfeeding when a little tot, then they don't see it as a milk making machine but rather as "toys".

now women might throw their hands up all over the world and go "by golly gosh! all we have to do now is just breastfeed our babies!" there's a paradox. the hypothesis goes on to hypothesis that men actually exacerbate the "problem" (if you can call it that) themselves. apparently men (not all, i'm just following what the sexpert on tv is saying) create an environment where women feel it's inappropriate to breastfeed i.e. a boobie shouldn't be shown in public etc. so with the feeling of being against the norm, many women either stop breastfeeding earlier or just don't do it at all when they weigh up how much more convienent bottle feeding can be.

so there you go. there's an actual logical explanation to the obsession behind the boobs.
go freud.


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