Saturday, April 01, 2006

band aids

everyone has been told at some time in their lives that the best way to remove a band aid is in one go. take that deep breath, hold it and RIP AWAY. i guess the logic behind this crazy theory is that whilst the pain that you'll experience will be significantly larger from ripping it off quick, it beats the idea of sustained pain over a longer period of time if you did it the much slower way. either way, which ever method of getting the damn thing off, you'll still experience pain. and it's not like you can leave it on you forever and ever cos it would turn out to be pretty gross after a while.

so then think about, this little story of mine has a correlation to how we, human beings, in our infinite complexity of being humans, handle stressful situations. i don't know about you guys, but i am seemingly always falling behind the eight ball these days. work, uni, study, assessment, friends, significant others, parents, it all equals to the same thing - so many ppl wanting something from you, and you having to find the time, energy, and damn motivation to meet these ppl's expectations of you.

so in a round about D&M conversation with olga last night as she tried rather amusingly to suck her pearls out of her bubble tea, we somehow came to the idea of coping mechanisms - how we all cope with the stressful times of our lives. okay now if we're talking about that stressful time in our lives where we have tests and essays due left right and centre, my line of thinking is, prioritise which one comes first and work my way down the list.

BUT then how about on an emotional scale? i openly declare that i am a fairly open person. i'm starting to think differently now though. more often than not, if i am put under the microscope i'm gonna go pack my bags, and run. there's no reason behind it. well not one i can explain to anyone anyway. so there you have it i'm an avoidance coper. i'll rather pull the band aid off slowly and suffer the pain than face the situation and give it a good rip.

p.s. i hate april fool's day.


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