Monday, March 27, 2006

down the yellow brick road we go...

a male friend of mine, who we shall call ted, was telling me about his girlfriend. now ted was having a few minor second thoughts about his girl. which led him to his one remarkably good point...

"you shouldn't have to put so much effort into a relationship"
so begins doctor olga's session. me being the bright spark that i am pointed out that sometimes you have to compromise. and at that point i was completely shut down. apparantly there's compromising...and then there's putting effort in.

i have to agree with ted, you have to put a little bit of effort into a relationship...but not so much to the point where you feel like it's an effort. what what advice did i dispense to ted? not much...because i had to leave to go home. i did have to defend the poor girl he's dating though. females have to stick together after all.

what i would like to know is, how much is too much effort? and conversely, how little is too little effort? how do both parties reach a certain point in their relationship where the RIGHT level of effort is achieved?

to me...the way it goes is that you have to put a little bit in when you starting dating someone. just not a gargantuan amount of effort and change in your own personal self. cos then, it's a whole new ball game. it's too hard to define something like's something only the two people dating can ascertain. so really, you could both be happy with one phone call a week, or seven phone calls a week.

i'm off to save the world from more bad relationships!


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