i can help you with your problems too!!!!
doctor helga is more than qualified to lend that supportive ear you have been seeking and desparately searching for your whole life!
plus more than half of what's spewing out of doctor olga's mouth originally came from moi too (you're doing a great job doctor olga, not taking any credit away from you, but this is just coming from that conversation we had in the car about us completely switching positions and how we are now sounding exactly what the other person was, like 6mths ago....)!!!
so come to me, i will make your acid-green world look rosey red again.
doctor helga is more than qualified to lend that supportive ear you have been seeking and desparately searching for your whole life!
plus more than half of what's spewing out of doctor olga's mouth originally came from moi too (you're doing a great job doctor olga, not taking any credit away from you, but this is just coming from that conversation we had in the car about us completely switching positions and how we are now sounding exactly what the other person was, like 6mths ago....)!!!
so come to me, i will make your acid-green world look rosey red again.
dear dr helga
there is a certain someone on the other side of the world that i fancy. what is a good way of getting their attention?
haha, someone wants some attention... ey helga?
dear mr jashman,
yup. doesn't the world feel weird and funny when the it doesn't revolve around me anymore?!?!?
dear anonymous,
sending an all expense paid flight ticket to your beloved on the other side of the world, to get him/her to you, is a sure fire way to get his/her attention. that way they would feel all mushy inside, jump on the plane pronto and eagerly await your open arms at the airport.
plus as the movie "love acutally" proved...airports are indeed the most romantic places to be.
dr. helga
muchos gracias dr helga
you're welcome anonymous.
when do i get my cheque?
dr helga.
Bwahahahah, knew there was a catch. At least Dr Olga's bitter pill of advice is cheaper to take! But I love ya Helga ... don't ever change ...
dearest jane,
i can work on a sliding scale and i have a very flexible payment plan.
plus some sucking up can lead to discounts.
dr helga.
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