Thursday, October 13, 2005

i'm fine thanks

dear olga is home early this weekend as that beautiful thing called an ADO has come around. i have been hanging for a day off for 8 i see it fitting to have one. muahahaah. off to lakes entrance with get some much needed rest.

no offence to any of our loyal readers...but i really need a break from everything and everyone.

i was thinking about my little post about change and what it does to people. it has the ability to make or break friendships...and that in itself is a powerful thing. what happens when a friendship dissolves? can we end a friendship as easily as a relationship? say our goodbyes and just turn our backs and walk away? in my usually just stop calling, stop talking and gradually drift apart like ships at sea. it's a sad thing really.

and then there are those that you're stuck with for life.

but my point is that noone remains static for long in this lifetime. it's whether you can change as part of an evolving process and still remain the same person at the core of it all.

maybe it's just time to let go...and babble on and make horrendously non-sensical posts.


Blogger jashman said...

"change is the only constant" right? i know that paradox is quite freaky but it's as true as my nuts.

everything changes, and if you don't change while everything is changing, then you are changing because you're not, while everything stays the same because everything is changing. :)

just taking the cue from non-sensical comment ;)

Fri Oct 14, 09:27:00 AM  
Blogger viking_mistresses said... that blows my mind at such an early time in the morning for me...

Fri Oct 14, 10:55:00 AM  

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