Saturday, September 24, 2005

ahoy sailor!

there is nothing like the terrific feeling of success upon finding out that i made it on to "helga's list of five people who have impacted on her life". granted, i can't remember for the life of me the conversation that we had which got me on to the list in the first place. i put it down to my astute observation skills.

on to the new exciting topic at hand...psycho analysing everyone. i'm clapping my hands in glee at being able to try this out. i've even got the voice just right (granted, it's probably a little creepy)...that soothing "tell me all your problems" sort of voice which lulls the person into a sense of security so i can really let it rip with how they are living in a bubble of their own. no no, i'm not that bad.

but matter how much time and effort you put into telling someone never gets through. maybe it is better to leave them in their bubble. and maybe it helps to up their quality of life by bursting that bubble and exposing them to that big, big world out there.


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