Monday, February 14, 2005

silly old me...

sometimes ones wonder what really or the amount of adrenaline that goes through one's body/mind when they decided to put their lives in danger in the following ways -

  • jump off a bridge 43m high
  • jump off a platform 109m high and travel at possibly 150kph
  • go white water rafting and drown

oh well you only live once (yada yada yada) and i'm currently in Queenstown so if i don't do any of the above then that's a real big waste of a trip.

i would be alot more perky and whatever but i'm extremely tired from lack of sleep, tired from lack of food (stupid stomach that is going haywire at the moment), and lack of adrenaline now running through me....

well so know you guys now i've jumped, and i have photos to prove it and that i'm actually still alive. another what 4-5 days to go now till home sweet home!



Blogger Ez said...


Mon Feb 14, 05:40:00 PM  

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