Wednesday, January 05, 2005

mourning the loss of a part of me!

yes u read right. i big chunk of me is gone... chopped off. i almost fainted. my usually "sarcastic and borderline uncaring" boy had to even msg me in the middle of the night to reassure me its O.K! yes... i cut my hair! its short... i mean above the sholder short! so drastic and i'm not even depressed or anything! i won't dwell on it... otherwise i'll talk myself into a state of depression.
anyways... at work... bored out of my brains!!!! and i wanna go home... but seeing as its only noon that doesn't look likely!
what's with all the list of stuff?!? i'll list some random stuff in dotpoints too
* i also like dot points
* ppl at work are dumb
* i don't suck at poker
* andrew sucks at poker
* fannie aka olga... is a dodgy player!
* helga lives at the airport
* freda/frida is missing in action!? ans me woman!
* i like soggy fries
* i'm hungry now
* i have a green iPod mini....yay! finally!
* i listen to the same stuff over and over and over again.. like a round round record baby!
* my workplace has BAD air... makes me sick
* gambling with m&m's is just as fun as with real money

gotta go before i get told off my someone...


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