Wednesday, November 03, 2004

olga bean: queen of BS

i am ready to keel over and die. i have been on a spiritual quest for meaning for the last 2 days and i am ready to smash my head against the wall. "do it!" i hear you all say. too bad i think i already lost a few brain cells with the amount of caffeine and sugar in my system. I HATE FREAKING ESSAYS...ESPECIALLY THOSE STOOPID DEEP PHILOSOPHICAL ONES ABOUT ILLNESS AND SPIRITUALITY. ok i feel much better. actually i'm almost finished anyway and ready to send it off to my tutor. then i will officially be on holidays for say the next 4 days. and then olga is off to the wonderful world of gippsland. "don't go!" you say...but i must assure you my dear viking mistresses...i will be back. *sobs* i don't think anyone will miss me anyway so why do i bother. this happens when everyone is on freaking start talking to yourself because there isn't anyone else to talk to. my head is "doof doof doof" pounding. too much caffeine. olga needs sleep. lots of it. can't. stoopid caffeine. going to lie in bed and listen to the buzzing noises in my head. olga crawling off to bed.


Blogger viking_mistresses said...

[quote]olga is off to the wonderful world of gippsland. "don't go!" you say [/quote] surely must have too much caffenine in you to even think we would say this (*kaching!* biatchy helga coming out)...but then hey if you do ever get bored we both know who's willing to go and spend a wonderful 2 weeks, day in day out, 24/7 with down in gippsland...oh look so you do actually need to go and babysit wonderful...have fun!! MUAH HAH HAH!

love your right boo
BIATCHY [helga][jeanz]

Wed Nov 03, 06:56:00 PM  
Blogger viking_mistresses said...

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Wed Nov 03, 06:57:00 PM  

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