Friday, October 20, 2006

hey mr postman

hey hey hey. i would sing the actual songs but that's all i got in my head at 7:52am waiting for the bathroom.

i feel sorry for neither. whom ever it is that is thinking that it's not what they want needs to remember they like/love (depending on how soppy you want it to be described as) that person for who they are. that's how relationships end, having unrealistic expectations of the other person or about what they are supposed to "do" once you're in a relationship with them.

so enjoy the person, all nuts and bolts of them. just go frolick in the green, green, slightly yellowing due to lack of rain and water here fields. try to tip over a cow. do it as a team! bond. build the relationship. dr phil give me a sponsorship, i'm damn good at this.

oh update. got fourth postcard from missing viker olga. so yes she's still alive.
she's just too cheap right now to pay for internet to post on blog.
but i forgive her (yes you can throw the forgiveness back in my face olga) cos she's using that well saved internet money on a present for me.

oh yes. the fourth postcard did involve more boobs. if i remember i will post it up. the 2nd and 3rd didn't. just people singing around hills. so they might not get up.

i wonder if it really does wither away if there is lack of practice.


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