Wednesday, August 30, 2006

where have all the vikers gone

it has now officially been 8 days since the last post. far too long for a once buzzing blog which churned out posts daily. i figured it was about time to put a stop to this non-writing strike.

but problem is, i don't know what to write. i could give you all the sordid details of my pathetic social life...but it wouldn't be so sordid. maybe i should write something philosophical. ok. i think i will do that.

i know i've probably written about this before, but it's (partly) my blog and i'll write what i want to. anyway, this is a long lost conversation with a friend of mine about people changing once they find themselves in a relationship. tonight is not so much about experiencing change once you're in a relationship, it's more about experiencing change in life. why are people so scared of change?

i mean let's look at it this way. people expect you to change once you start dating someone, when you go travelling for so and so months, when you graduate. basically when any major milestone happens. so you're stuck in a situation (ie. LIFE) where you will inevitably change as a person.

flashback to this friend of mine...let's name her...imelda. now imelda expressed her concerns about changing for the worse after hooking up with her man, which she promptly asked for my opinion. needless to say i was stumped for an answer, as usual. instead, i came up with a neat little theory. the theory of change. haha. i've probably plagiarised this from some movie, knowing me.

so the theory? people never really completely change. i think parts of your real self just become exposed to the world over time and it's labelled as "change". so certain situations and circumstances can cause these dormant parts of your personality to surface, whether you like it or not. i guess it's how you manage all the parts of your personality that is the key to maintaining who you are despite having something like your inner bitch come roaring suddenly to the surface.


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