Monday, January 02, 2006

50 first dates

rome wasn't built in a day, and so here's olga's handy tips and hints on surviving the FIRST DATE.

note: this is one for the ladies. she hasn't reported back on any hints and tips for the men yet.

  1. if he goes for your hand, let him hold it
  2. if he kicks you more than once under the table, he's now playing footsies
  3. don't order something with too much garlic in it
  4. if you do order something with too much garlic in it, make sure you have extra with you
  5. don't order a salad
  6. don't overdo it with the cleavage on the first date
  7. don't overdo it with the perfume
  8. don't overdo it with the makeup
  9. it's a first date. let the guy pay. the battle of the wallets start after a few more dates.
  10. wear matching underwear. the bus scenario may just hit you in the face
i think there were more tips but we kinda got lost discussing the important issue of just what to wear on a first date. oh such is the life of a female!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Matching underwear? People WEAR matching underwear?! Since when?!?!

Bus incident?!

I'm almost afraid to ask ...

Tue Jan 03, 04:33:00 PM  
Blogger jashman said...

it's easier that guys wear only one piece.

Tue Jan 03, 08:06:00 PM  

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