Tuesday, December 13, 2005


okay so firstly 3 things run through my head whilst i typed out the title to my post...

1. my mum is right behind me in full view of this screen, but thank god for chinese foxtel to completely distract her with girls continously going "awwwwwwwww" every 2 secs.

2. what kinda readers we will now be attracting when they type in "pimp" into their search. why they would do that is another question.

3. i forgot.

warning: there maybe extreme sarcasm and cynacism found in the content below. it is not recommended for children. parental guidance is recommended.

yes. it's true. i am on the hunt. for the past X years i have seen hunting season come and go as an avid spectator rather than a competitor. and whilst by my calculations hunting season has come and gone, i am in this late stage gonna throw my fishing line out there to see what hooks. preferably hooking before end of march/start of april. the reason why is yet another story.

and in spare time to do what i so ever shall please me, i ended up chatting to viker olga. which ended up in screaming matches across MSN. oh how thrilling. so olga definately believes there is no THE ONE. i on the other hand am not so charlotte-ty to believe in it so heartily in the existence of THE ONE THE ONLY ONE, and yet am not so miranda-ish to believe that they don't exist at all. i like to think i am in the middle somewhere, carrie-ish enough to believe that there is A ONE, but heck with it if that male at the time isn't THE ONE. just on to the NEXT ONE. confused? thought so.

as was once said to doctor mcdreamy once "it's all about the chase".

p.s. olga is the pimp-master if anyone is interested.
p.p.s. even i have managed to confuse myself in this post. and that certainly is a first.


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